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Revision Requests -having To Explain Peer Appraiser's Data In My Reports?

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Reform ?? Please elaborate

Generally speaking I am pretty transparent. But I cannot at this time due to who I am working with on this. His wishes. And I will respect that. With his permission I will release a partial paper I wrote in my next Appraisal Buzz magazine that will be a Fall issue. Just not sure yet. What I am working on is just one piece of a broader housing finance reform plan.
Generally speaking I am pretty transparent. But I cannot at this time due to who I am working with on this. His wishes. And I will respect that. With his permission I will release a partial paper I wrote in my next Appraisal Buzz magazine that will be a Fall issue. Just not sure yet. What I am working on is just one piece of a broader housing finance reform plan.

It better be good. :argue:

Or I'm not going to play with you anymore. :)
Yes CU did catch it.

We were discussing reform measures needed.

You have promoted yourself to appraiser regulator now?

Interesting how that confidentiality issue has not extended to the regulators who are not intended users, and they get to share report information beyond what is required for them to do their job,
with 3rd party nosy buddies.

Maybe they should publish the reports they are investigating in newspapers and let lots of people offer up their opinions too.

By the way Joan,

Did you help write the crap that was recently published as a wipe paper, concerning 1994 policy? If not, there is a ghost writer out there that is mimicking your style.

I am thinking of becoming like the Andy Dufresne in the movie " The Shawshank Redemption" and writing the FTC twice a week.
You have promoted yourself to appraiser regulator now?
Joan is not a regulator, but like it or not Joan is very well connected in DC and a lot of people who matter (including regulators) respect her and listen to her opinion on certain matters.
Joan is not a regulator, but like it or not Joan is very well connected in DC and a lot of people who matter (including regulators) respect her and listen to her opinion on certain matters.

it does not matter how well connected she is.

Appraisal reports contain confidential information, she is neither a client, an intended user, nor a regulator. Regulators sharing information about information contained within those reports with a person that has no need to know, and no official capacity to have a need to know, just seems like an open opportunity for someone, perhaps a borrower, to start suing some regulators.

how do borrowers know that JT and friends are not drooling over the photos of those borrower's children's bedrooms?

it does not matter how well connected she is.

Appraisal reports contain confidential information, she is neither a client, an intended user, nor a regulator. Regulators sharing information about information contained within those reports with a person that has no need to know, and no official capacity to have a need to know, just seems like an open opportunity for someone, perhaps a borrower, to start suing some regulators.

how do borrowers know that JT and friends are not drooling over the photos of those borrower's children's bedrooms?
You have gone way beyond the pale with this stupid comment, which certainly reflects more on you than Joan or anyone else.

You don't have to like the fact that regulators and people at the GSE's respect and listen to Joan, but that is the way that it is.

By the way, I doubt that Joan was shown any appraisals, she was probably shown or told about the data/CU reporting that shows that in some cases the same appraiser is changing information regarding the same comps that are being used in different appraisal reports
I didn't say I didn't like it.

I just want to know why it happens and if borrowers have conceded to allow someone with no reason other than being nosey, to view anything about their home.

But if you're mitigating this down to just gossip between Joan and her friends,


Who cares about gossip?

I am thinking of adding a boiler plate comment to my reports if I start getting CU request to comment on other appraisers C &Q ratings etc.

The undersigned appraiser will not comment on other appraisers C or Q ratings unless the undersigned appraiser is provided a copy of the appraisal report with the differing C & Q ratings and engaged in a review assignment of said report and reporting. The C & Q ratings as designed and implemented are too limited and too subjective to have any substantial importance in the overall process other than to build a database for the former GSEs and other secondary market participants, with the resulting database consisting of severely faulty data in all but the most homogeneous markets and local market segments. The undersigned appraiser was engaged to offer his or her opinion of the market value of the subject property, and comparisons to other appraisers opinions of the subject and comparables are far beyond the prescribed scope of work of the agreed upon Scope of Work and the agreed upon fee. The undersigned appraiser will consider offering opinions of these items with proper agreed upon Scope of Work and monetary consideration.
You have promoted yourself to appraiser regulator now?

Interesting how that confidentiality issue has not extended to the regulators who are not intended users, and they get to share report information beyond what is required for them to do their job,
with 3rd party nosy buddies.

Maybe they should publish the reports they are investigating in newspapers and let lots of people offer up their opinions too.

By the way Joan,

Did you help write the crap that was recently published as a wipe paper, concerning 1994 policy? If not, there is a ghost writer out there that is mimicking your style.


I don't even know what paper you are referring to.

I am not sure how you got confused.... I am working with some very smart people who are effecting change in Congress. I know that sounds like an oxymoron but one can try.
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