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Revision Requests -having To Explain Peer Appraiser's Data In My Reports?

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Sadly for you Joan,

If you're waiting on me to do anything that will put a penny in your pocket,

you're going to get very old waiting.


Smart appraisers go to earn new clients. There is no requirement to like me. I am never at the podium other then to say hello and thank you. I make sure it isn't the Joan Trice show. There are lots of very smart people at the podium , sponsors and a great group of appraisers.
Smart appraisers go to earn new clients. There is no requirement to like me. I am never at the podium other then to say hello and thank you. I make sure it isn't the Joan Trice show. There are lots of very smart people at the podium , sponsors and a great group of appraisers.

So, we are not smart appraisers if we don't need or desire new clients? If I need new clients I will obtain them on a time of need basis. Don't hold your breath.
I don't need any new clients right now.
I don't want any new clients either right now. My needs and wants when it comes to appraisals are more than satisfied. I need fees about doubled and AMC/appraisal fees separated on the HUD- 1 settlement statement or whatever TIL disclosures. And I need the FTC to stomp on some heads.
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So, we are not smart appraisers if we don't need or desire new clients? If I need new clients I will obtain them on a time of need basis. Don't hold your breath.

I am sure you are a great appraiser but....
The best time to market is when you are busy. When things slow down your prospects won't want to talk to you. This is marketing 101. Be consistent.
I have not had to worry about work 7 days a week in ages.

Keep in mind that many appraisers have not left the profession because of lack of work. They left because of fees and the change in market structure. Some of the best no doubt.
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Job fair for minimum wage, you have to pay for.

Naw, what was last year's hook?
Oh yeah, some mega bank was going to hire 10 trainees from the Expo, but had hired them prior to the expo.

How many miraculous hiring stories have we heard every year about the "opportunities".

CG Joan. No need of AMC clients. I know how to do the Income Approach.

One of the truisms of doing business is that today's best client is tomorrow's complete stranger. It's true in sales, in the retail world, in the service trades and in the professions. At some point, virtually appraiser who does her job and reports a value or property conditions that doesn't support a transaction risks losing the client involved. At some point, the business environment changes and an appraiser no longer has access to the construction lender or trust officer or loan originator who kept her busy for years (think AMC). At some point a great client retires, or a firm goes out of business, or a lender is purchased by a bigger lender.

Prospecting for new sources of business is part of being in business. The number of clients I used to work for is pages longer than the list of current active clients.
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Okay so revision requests have been getting worse over the years, and have been annoying but I’ve accepted that it’s just a part of the job now that AMC’s need their job security.

Anyhow in the past few weeks I’ve had some downright ridiculous requests. Such as “another appraiser used the same comparable XYZ and had a different GLA.” Okay fine I can see why they are questioning it, so I explained how and why my calculations are felt to be correct. So THEN they want me to state that in the report…that another appraiser had a different calculation and why mine is felt to be correct.

Again today I got a revision request (from a new client), because their usual appraiser uses larger GLA adjustments than I do ‘for my area’ (how much a difference I have no idea). Without losing my **** I explained that there is no one size fits all GLA adjustment ‘for my area’ various things such as neighborhood, style, quality, condition, age, size, etc. of the home will determine the proper GLA adjustment, which I already explained in the report how my adjustments were abstracted.
However they still want me to state in the report that a peer appraiser would typically use a larger GLA adjustment, but I chose not to…blah, blah, blah. I can’t even wrap my head around this one, I have not yet made the “revision.” Also this particular report had 5 good, recent comps with low net/gross adjustments; and only 2 of them needed a GLA adjustment for differences less than 200 Sq.Ft. So even if I had used 'larger' adjustments it would have not changed the outcome, and those 2 sales adjusted values would be out of sync.

It is one thing to add additional comments and explanations on MY work, but to have to compare my work with another appraiser’s based on vague information the client supposedly obtained is taking it too far.

To be frank, using another appraisers numbers is not even recognized as a recognized technique or method of appraisal practice unless it is used maybe in qualitative analysis. I may be wrong but I never learned that as a recognized technique or method of appraisal practice. Maybe on the personal interview or verification side. But quantitatively? I didn't learn that in any class as a recognized technique or method of appraisal practice.

The problem is you can't even analyze it qualitatively much less quantitatively without more information.
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Yeah.(n) Don't wish upon a star except for fun and enjoyment.
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