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Street photo

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Thanks Ben..
I vaguely recall that thread, but the reason I asked for your favorite is I get the impression you are goal oriented (lazy, work smart, whatever... :P ) and I figure you probly ahve a reason besides , beaten path.... :wink:

Have a good afternoon, I'm gonna go test the streets! :D
They are to see if there is a brothel in the neighborhood, then the property is worth more.

BB in Texas
Bob....I challenge you to find a street in Texas where there is NOT a brothel. :-) Seriously, purposes of street shot, to show you're not lying if you said "asphalt" for the street type....if there is a divided highway center line and 4 tractor trailers are in the photo and you said the property was located on a quiet residential street you might have a problem...... if you said "gravel" for the surface and the "street" looks like a cow path with foot high grass growing.....etc, etc.
Lee Ann,

Me? Lazy??? I resemble that remark!

I checked yahoo maps and it seems they have dropped the aerial photo tabs but someone recommended this site awhile ago on the forum and I bookmarked it. It is working.


Type in 110 yale 08084. Zoom to 1. See the ballfield in the upper right hand corner? That's me waving to you on the pitcher's mound........I hate holding still while those satellites fly over...... :lol: :lol:

I've seen a few reports where the street photo is taken from the front of the house looking at the street.

I'm always brave and walk to the street and take the shot down the street, trying to include the mail box in the picture for reference.
Yeah street scenes are a silly old requirement. Most of my street scenes are of narrow paved roads (or dirt roads) and trees. But they still want to be sure that there is not a mega mall next door, and that the road is a well maintained "all weather" surface. :roll:
What is really funny is I have one client that requires comp photos on LOT appraisals. 8O Comp. 1: big trees, comp 2: big trees, Comp. 3: big trees. Okay, are ya' happy? Crazy, but they pay me to drive around and take photos of trees. :lol:
>>see if there is a brothel in the neighborhood<<
Which reminds me I was in LaGrange Tx [actually nearby New Ulm] when they had to shut down the Chicken Ranch...never been there myself, but heard a lot of entertaining stories from the locals....Marvin Ziegler ["the people want to know, and I want to know.."] was the reporters name..could get any attention until he claimed it was run by the Mafia. Someone told me that old geezer is still on TV. Say it ain't so! He got fired from Tulsa station for getting in a fist fight with the camera man.
I know this is bad, but I am notorious for forgetting to take a street scene :oops: . So I have gotten into the habit of databasing my street scene photos along with all of my comp photos. On the rare, or somewhat rare :roll: occasion I forget, I can at least call up a similar street scene and plug it into my appraisal without having to drive all the way back to the subject. Just please don't tell my boss. He thinks I'm very good at what i do. I want him to continue in this illusion for as long as possible. :wink:
Ah, La Grange.

Closed it down in 1973, thanks to a gay guy from Houston named Marvin Zindler. He was a BATON TWIRLER!!!!!!!! Saw him on David Letterman twirling a majorettes baton.

The Chicken Ranch was an institution. It was a 'fairy tale' cathouse. Will never forget it.

BB in Texas
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