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TAF head Calls Jonathan Miller a Liar

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You and I are the same age....
During our youth, TV and movies only showed POC/minorities in their most extreme (and mostly negative) stereotypes....
So yes, for most of my life when I saw Arabs I thought terrorists....
But less today than during the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s....
That's the unconscious bias....

When I was still in grade school I had heard of Malcolm X and was scared because he wanted blacks to have their own land....

When I was still in junior high school I disliked Ali's conscientious objector stance (in junior high I thought I'd go to Vietnam)....

But as I got older I grew to admire their positions....
You and I are the same age....
During our youth, TV and movies only showed POC/minorities in their most extreme (and mostly negative) stereotypes....
So yes, for most of my life when I saw Arabs I thought terrorists....
But less today than during the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s....
That's the unconscious bias....

When I was still in grade school I had heard of Malcolm X and was scared because he wanted blacks to have their own land....

When I was still in junior high school I disliked Ali's conscientious objector stance (in junior high I thought I'd go to Vietnam)....

But as I got older I grew to admire their positions....
May have grown up in the same era. But most of your views were not mine. That could be because I was on the inside looking out
May have grown up in the same era. But most of your views were not mine. That could be because I was on the inside looking out
I don't understand what your post means....

As an aside....
Are you suggesting that you have no unconscious bias....
I don't understand what your post means....

As an aside....
Are you suggesting that you have no unconscious bias....
I was one of those walking, talking stereotypes. But at the same time maybe also somewhat of an an enigma. I have always been of the opinion that stereotypes exist because they exist. But also realize that they are not all encompassing. As far as unconscious bias. Can't really say. I suppose it is logical that we all have it. But I would also say that it could be due to experiences and how those "unconscious biases" manifest themselves.
But you off all forumites have said we all have bias....
And when you do,
Anchor biases are one thing but so-called "unconscious" biases are impossible to be unaware of. That is, we all know what the Good Book (USPAP) says. We all know what the forms say, our certification. We know that anti-discrimination laws abound on the books. We are NOT unconscious of both the situation and the consequences of discrimination. And there is no upside to discrimination. None whatsoever.

We may have biases against MAGA. So, I suppose you'd have to turn down an assignment if you saw a Trump sticker or poster in the yard of your subject. All 12 Republicans in MA are probably Nikki supporters anyway...right? Or was that biased? Of course...but does it translate into suppressing our MV estimates? Again, I don't work on commission. What dog do I have in this fight? And what about the comps? That, too? Ferd is terrified of Texas and the South. Why? He's certainly aware of his dislike for low-income areas. But buyers discriminate. That's why an upper end home in a starter home subdivision suffers obsolescence beyond mere physical deterioration. That's why homes on busy roads or next to the railroad might sell or rent cheaper. People act in their own self-interests and no appraiser has an interest in undervaluing a home. And over-valuing a home might produce more work with a client not bound by USPAP, it puts you at risk. Do you really want to take that risk? Why would you?
I was one of those walking, talking stereotypes. But at the same time maybe also somewhat of an an enigma. I have always been of the opinion that stereotypes exist because they exist. But also realize that they are not all encompassing. As far as unconscious bias. Can't really say. I suppose it is logical that we all have it. But I would also say that it could be due to experiences and how those "unconscious biases" manifest themselves.
Sounds more like were on the outside looking in....

During your childhood how many middle eastern and mexican/central and south Americans did you see in your neighborhood, let alone actually know....

Zero for me....
Except on TV and movies....

Hell, during those days Russian women were always depicted as old, fat and ugly....
So different today....
Anchor biases are one thing but so-called "unconscious" biases are impossible to be unaware of. That is, we all know what the Good Book (USPAP) says. We all know what the forms say, our certification. We know that anti-discrimination laws abound on the books. We are NOT unconscious of both the situation and the consequences of discrimination. And there is no upside to discrimination. None whatsoever.

We may have biases against MAGA. So, I suppose you'd have to turn down an assignment if you saw a Trump sticker or poster in the yard of your subject. All 12 Republicans in MA are probably Nikki supporters anyway...right? Or was that biased? Of course...but does it translate into suppressing our MV estimates? Again, I don't work on commission. What dog do I have in this fight? And what about the comps? That, too? Ferd is terrified of Texas and the South. Why? He's certainly aware of his dislike for low-income areas. But buyers discriminate. That's why an upper end home in a starter home subdivision suffers obsolescence beyond mere physical deterioration. That's why homes on busy roads or next to the railroad might sell or rent cheaper. People act in their own self-interests and no appraiser has an interest in undervaluing a home. And over-valuing a home might produce more work with a client not bound by USPAP, it puts you at risk. Do you really want to take that risk? Why would you?
Stream of consciousness....
Hell, during those days Russian women were always depicted as old, fat and ugly....
So different today....
I went to school with a lot of Cherokee, no blacks, and Hispanics came in her about the time I left HS. My 2 closest neighbors except my cousin were Cherokee. Jimmy was very quiet and very much the sort of quirkly humor that you find in Cherokee. One of my trainees was in HR for a poultry company and once the boss came by when Steve was checking on a crew. When the boss left, one guy remarked, well, I guess old Walking Eagle is going back to the plant. Steve asking him, "Walking Eagle?" He replied, "Yes. That's his Indian name. He's too full of **** to fly."

Still, Russians are stereotyped especially since the Russo-Ukrainian War started -the media demonizes Russians as if Russian women are all 200 lb. Olga picking potatoes while the short men like Putin sit around and drink vodka...well, they are fond of it, but look at one of my favorite rock instrumental groups - Otta Orchestra. Li Otta was born in S. Korea, lives in Moscow. But the rest of the girls are Russian or Belarussian. Blonde to dark Brunette, tall to short, some with tats, some not, and Olga below is the one with the green guitar. Skinny as a rail. They like music. They like the opera. They drive cars (badly sometime if you want those car crash videos although a lot of them are due to icy weather.) They have jobs and are well educated. Virtually all of them speak English and their own language (which varies.) Oh, yes. There are rural areas in Siberia that have little in common with the western Russians and are very poor. Just like most countries outside of Europe. They have excellent physicists, geologists, paleontologists and archaeologists. Some do not like their government. Some support it heartily. Is that different from here? Or most any place?
Sounds more like were on the outside looking in....
How did you come to that conclusion. Doesn't make sense

During your childhood how many middle eastern and mexican/central and south Americans did you see in your neighborhood, let alone actually know....
Knew a whole family of middle eastern descent. Multiple generations, aunts, uncles, etc. Spent time at their homes. Went to school with them. Mexicans and south americans. Not many until I started working construction during the summers while I was in high school. After all I grew up in central Ohio. Predominantly German, Irish, Italian, Polish. But also quite a few Chinese. Some of which I knew. As far as Russians. Not until the me and the wife started ballroom dancing. Some of our instructors were Russian. So I guess our experiences have been vastly different. My oncologist is from India. In fact Vivek Ramaswamy's wife works in the same department. My oncology radiology doctor was Mexican. But he left for a job at the Mayo Clinic. I trusted them with my life.

The Whistleblower They Ignored​

There aren’t too many genuine heroes to come out of the banking disaster, but Armando Falcon is one of them–and had he been listened to, a significant part of the housing crisis could have been mitigated.​

Robert Scheer

There aren’t too many genuine heroes to come out of the banking disaster, but Armando Falcon is one of them. You have probably never heard of him, but his testimony Friday before the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, available on the commission’s website, is must reading for anyone trying to figure out why US taxpayers had to bail out companies to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars.

"While all of this political power satisfied the egos of Fannie and Freddie executives, it ultimately served one primary purpose: the speedy accumulation of personal wealth by any means…. In the case of CEO Franklin Raines, he collected over $90 million in total compensation from 1998 to 2003. Of that amount, $52 million was directly tied to achieving earnings-per-share goals. However, the earnings goal turned out to be unachievable without breaking rules and hiding risks."

It only adds insult to injury to blame the unfettered greed of folks like Raines, and his Congressional allies who were lavishly attended to by those agencies, on a concern for the low-income homebuyers who were their main victims.

dividers like to divide...same story a different day
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