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TAF Partnered With REVAA

If anyone is interested, the motion to partner with REVAA starts around the 31:30 mark. And pay attention, they are also considering the CRN network as a future partner. And a little bonus, around the 1:22:40 mark, TAF's president explains what a partner is and what the "special relationship" means and then we get schooled on why it's important to include the poor old AMCs. They need a voice!

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I hope CFPB jumps in with both feet. If Chopra does, nobody will balk Chopra.

All Chopra needs to do is request all truth in lending disclosures and follow the money trails.

Chopra will say how do you explain this $1,200 appraisal fee and appraiser got paid $200?

How much money do you (TAF and REVAA) have in your kitty? I am about to drain your kitty.

The term "money kitty" refers to123:
  • A communal pot where contributions from several people accumulate towards a final sum.
  • An amount of money made up of small amounts given by different people for an agreed purpose.
  • A share from everyone in a group, used for a special purpose.

I think you mean "slush fund." These do exist and when I was working as an international accountant in Europe, I bumped into them. I audited such accounts after a couple of embezzlements to find instances of incorrect bookings for travel expenses - the favorite vehicle for such financial manipulations. This is where illegal and hidden amounts of money, often very large amounts,are scurried away into some kind of hidden account for supporting unethical and illegal activities, such and foremost as paying people under the table, buying and paying for drugs to bribe people, hiring call girls, hiring unscrupulous private detectives or attorneys, - and the like. These certainly existed in the 1970's. Nowadays I would assume they exist in the form of Bitcoin accounts, invariably managed by trusted high level sales managers in large corporations and other kinds of organizations. If accountants or attorneys are involved in managing such accounts, they probably prefer to do so only indirectly. Such systems are not perfect, because they are made as invisible as possible. You can assume older slush fund accounts, invariably wind up disappearing for unknown reasons. Even here in the SF Bay Area: People get old and a little senile and run off at the mouth about such things, - to make company. As you may .... well I better stop.

One source of funds I have see are embezzlement's: Find a CPA level accountant with a drug problem. Let the beauties in the department make butter out of him. Let him not give the sales managers any flak for doing their important job of making the company successful, by overlloking possible double or tripple bookings of expenses and the like, e.g. using the same international air tickets for business or first class 2 or three times a month apart. One ticket alone can bring in $10K. International sales managers make MANY such trips every year, and they have to be reimbursed for hotel stays, meals and CUSTOMER ENTERTAINMENT. - In the old days, they used manaual accounting systems. In Europe, in the old days, customers would be taken to bars in the Red Light districts of Frankfurt and shown a good time. ---- Easy Peasy.


TAF sounds like such an organization. Washington DC must be full of a lot of such. Especially, Wilmington DC. Then New York and Chicago, LA, San Francisco, Seattle, ....

And I have been told to take LOs out to dinner, if I want to make business. Actually by a Chief Appraiser ( a couple of old gals) at a well known local bank -- that I think has gone out of business in the past couple of years. Yes, things HAVE NOT CHANGED. Just so you suckers know.

But I am just not the type,
To skirt the law and then hide,
I like to sleep good at night.
Or contemplate analyze
Not disturbed by nasty flies.
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Does anyone still believe independent appraisers have a seat at any table in this industry?

Don’t worry; you will soon receive a response along these lines:

1) If you believe that REVAA should not be considered a partner, please provide specific reasons why permitting AMCs to participate in an advisory council might represent a conflict of interest or breach public trust. It is important to note that there is currently insufficient evidence to suggest that AMCs consistently ask appraisers to violate USPAP standards.


2) Remember, it’s often said that keeping your friends close and your adversaries closer can be strategic. Sometimes, engaging in discussions with differing viewpoints can be more enlightening than expected.

And the fools on the forum will just eat it up.
Yesterday’s conspiracies are today’s headlines.

Unanimous :rof:

I despise cowards. I wish you all could see what state boards do when Revaa flies their reps in to threaten them Should they do anything that might level the playing field or god forbid benefit the self employed appraiser in any way. They cower in fear.

Some of us have been trying to alert appraisers on TAFs and it's lack of accountability. Unfortunately, without any oversight, the corruption will persist.
One source of funds I have see are embezzlement's: Find a CPA level accountant with a drug problem. Let the beauties in the department make butter out of him. Let him not give the sales managers any flak for doing their important job of making the company successful, by overlloking possible double or tripple bookings of expenses and the like, e.g. using the same international air tickets for business or first class 2 or three times a month apart. One ticket alone can bring in $10K. International sales managers make MANY such trips every year, and they have to be reimbursed for hotel stays, meals and CUSTOMER ENTERTAINMENT. - In the old days, they used manaual accounting systems. In Europe, in the old days, customers would be taken to bars in the Red Light districts of Frankfurt and shown a good time. ---- Easy Peasy.

In Jeremy Baggott’s book, he talks about how TAF and ASC members would often head to the Caribbean. Take Grand Cayman, for example—it’s known as a big financial hub and tax haven. With its easygoing banking rules, top-notch financial services, and strong privacy protections, it’s a popular spot for people and companies looking to handle their money or cut down on taxes. Because of this, it often gets tagged as a place where folks might be hiding money or using offshore accounts. Pile up the money and get some underage girls and let the fun begin.
Don’t worry; you will soon receive a response along these lines:

1) If you believe that REVAA should not be considered a partner, please provide specific reasons why permitting AMCs to participate in an advisory council might represent a conflict of interest or breach public trust. It is important to note that there is currently insufficient evidence to suggest that AMCs consistently ask appraisers to violate USPAP standards.


2) Remember, it’s often said that keeping your friends close and your adversaries closer can be strategic. Sometimes, engaging in discussions with differing viewpoints can be more enlightening than expected.

And the fools on the forum will just eat it up.
I'll give you both responses right now. Consider it my way of speaking truth to emo - that emo not being a productive use of your efforts.

There are bylaws in effect which were established many years ago at the outset, before AMCs were even a thing in the appraisal business. The bylaws spell out the criteria for membership in the advisory councils (plural), the role for each being "advisory", not governing. There being a world of difference between the two. If an entity meets those criteria then that is what it is. OTOH if there's some violation or deficiency in meeting those criteria then that would be a legitimate reason for cutting them off.

But your argument doesn't revolve around citing any actual deficiencies or violations WRT those established criteria. I repeatedly ask for some hint of such and you repeatedly dodge. After this long an in lieu of any information or indications to the contrary all that's left is to conclude that you apparently think that's the only option you have to avoid undermining your own argument. You got no dots to connect, and you know it.

All that's left after your (I can't cite any deficiencies or violations of the membership criteria) argument, is the idea that AMCs and fee appraisers are competitors for clients in the tech-enabled marketplace for services. Your argument is entirely financial in motivation, not based on any principles or objectivity or fairness WRT the topics of TAFs only mission, which is Appraisal Standards and Appraiser Qualifications. The commerce aspects of the appraisal business being entirely outside their purview.

You just want what you want to the exclusion of all other competitors in the marketplace.

If - as you imply - there is no legitimate reason for TAF to simply listen to all the various and competing interests in the marketplace, then the IAC should be disbanded altogether and TAF should operate in complete isolation to any entity which participates in any facet of the valuation sector in our economy. Including appraisers. If equal is equal and fair is fair. A logical and consistent application of your argument would result in distancing TAFs orientation even farther away from everyone actually working in the marketplace for services. Not closer. That outcome feeding even more into your other allegation that the appraisers on these boards don't appraise and so therefore are not considered real appraisers.

As for who approaches this discussion from their left brain vs their right brain, I'll leave that to them. I know from experience with appraisers that nobody can tell an appraiser what to think or which opinions to hold so I don't do that. I just air my reasoning out and ask for everyone else to do the same. Then our peers can consider both sides of these issues and form their own conclusions. Just like I do in my day job as a professional appraiser.
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And to be clear, I got no use for the three or four workers at REVAA or any of the businesses among their membership other than the fact they're interacting with appraisers. I don't care what happens to them and more than I care about what happens to Wells or BofA with their thousands of employees.

By the same token everyone here knows what happens at the IAC when a horse (or "advice") is designed by committee comprised of 30+ businesses, some of which are competing directly with the others. If there are any controversies in play then the committee's conclusions won't entirely mesh with any of the original positions of the individual members positions.

Regardless of what you allege.
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What are the names of some of the organizations that they have denied membership to? I mean sponsors. I mean, partners.

3) Some convoluted word salad.
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