The problem with PDC as a side gig is the turn time. Looking at it as a side job, because outside of staff, that is what it will be, is the sporadic nature of the orders combined with the tight turn times and pressure. All the hybrid work will be ordered by an AMC and the thing AMC's are good at is applying pressure and harassment about a turn time. So this will not be a side job somebody can just fit in easily around other things, because when an order comes in, they want it inspected ASAP and as soon as it is inspected, there will be a ticking clock on delivery. I predict high turnover for PDC people and some orders just dumped because if a RE agent has a choice between going to a $100 PDC inspection and going for a listing appointment where they could get a listing to yield them a $15,000 commission, guess which one they will show up for.
I also think that PDC work is a poor fit for many RE agents. I used to be a RE agent, and the majority of them then and now stay in a relatively small market area and sell the same kind of property over and over - tract houses or condos or whatever. A minority of agents cover a wide range of property types and a wider area but most do not. Though some RE agents may adapt well to driving anywhere they are sent and inspecting diverse properties, some will not like it at all. A RE agent who does BPOs are sitting in their home or office at the comfort of their desks. A PDC agent is out there in the field. I bet some RE agents won't even get out of their car when they pull up to some of the properties - should be interesting. In some cases the "efficiency" will be there and in others not. A RE appraiser will make dogged efforts to get inside a property, will a PDC collector? Almost 1/3 of the properties I call and arrange to inspect have some weird access problem when I arrive. The people left the front gate locked and there is no way to even get in the driveway and they do not answer the phone or the key they left for a vacant house does not open the door etc. It is surprising how often that kind of thing happens.