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Without question, this forum is superior to all internet resources. If you need to know how many corners there are on a doublewide or you seek absolution and group hugs for flawed methods which were obtained from a 3rd generation fee shop list, facebook lala land is the place to be. On the other hand, if you desire a quality answer and wish to improve your game; you must endure a walk among the society of curmudgeons and accept the bitter medicine on occasion.
Can you expand on the corners on a double wide issue?
Some of them, yes. Perhaps we have something in common. :leeann2:
I'll take that as a compliment. But I WILL have to amend your original post to read:

"... grumpy oldER STUDS" :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
I checked out the FB forum. Scary.
Can you expand on the corners on a double wide issue?
I’ve been informed there have been some deep discussions on this topic in the FB Review Appraisers group, not to mention the choice of shoe removal…. on the porch or in the foyer…..plus covered or uncovered patio arbors for FHA assignments. You should consider applying to that group, I’ll submit a sterling reference for you if they question your credentials.
Can you expand on the corners on a double wide issue?
I’ve been informed there have been some deep discussions on this topic in the FB Review Appraisers group, not to mention the choice of shoe removal…. on the porch or in the foyer…..plus covered or uncovered patio arbors for FHA assignments. You should consider applying to that group, I’ll submit a sterling reference for you if they question your credentials.

Can't imagine why they are discussing expanding the corners on a double wide,

when all "real" appraisers know an engineering cert will be needed for the home to qualify for a mortgage, so appraisers can just defer to the engineer.

:rof: :rof:
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