All someone has to do to develop a more informed opinion about what actually is would be to go look at the sources to see what they're saying their role is.
Neither the ASC nor TAF write or enact any laws, rules or regulations. CONGRESS legislated both the establishment and content of FIRREA and CONGRESS authorized TAF to act as the source of standards and licensing qualifications. Neither ASC nor TAF conferred these authorizations upon themselves.
The ASC's role is enforcement of the content of the laws rules and regulations, including compiling and conveying the content of those regs (inclusive of the baking regulators' requirements) to the state appraisal boards as well as monitoring their compliance with federal law and the regulations applicable to the regulated financial institutions.
Here's a link to their policy statement, the origins of which go back 30+ years to FIRREA itself. If you had any interest in understanding more of what you're talking about you COULD go look for yourself instead of taking anyone else's word (who also never bothered to look). March - Revised ASC Policy Statements.pdf