Right now many (Lenders, Realtors, Homeowners, Ben Bernake) have discounted residential appraisal or at least set it aside in the name of effecting a recovery in the real estate markets. For the most part the only one buying mortgages is the Federal Govt or by extension the taxpayer. The FED chairman and others are hoping that we see light at the end of this very dark tunnel before market forces cause interest rates to spike higher, thus making the costs of purchasing these mortgage originations too high for government to keep pace with.
By then it is hoped a recovery will have occured and investors will once more be in the market purchasing mortgage backed securities. In the meantime and in regards to most workouts, shortsales, foreclosures or other lending transactions; a full appraisal is thought to only contribute to the cost to the consumer for credit and other less expensive valuations are good enough said current circumstances.
Oftentimes it is forgotten why we needed something in the first place. Things run through cycles and the why is rediscovered at some future date and acted upon as though it is the leading edge thinking of the day. I suspect, if and when real estate recovers to the extent investors are once again interested in purchasing mortgage backs, investors will require detailed and well documented full appraisal services for most transactions.
Will the industry look different? Yes.