Did not DJT claim in his NY trial where he was accused of inflating values to obtain better loan terms that the lenders have appraisers to help them do due diligence on the value for securing the loans? Which were all paid back.
Maybe we need DA Brag to investigate any NY homeowner who submits a ROV on an appraisal they receive where they are looking for a HIGHER value and better loan terms. Even go back a few years and charge them, no matter if they are current on their loan obligations or have already paid them off.
If they give their loan officer a value on the application that is higher than the appraisal, have Judge Marchon throw the book at them.
I do wonder who the appraiser in that case was that come in lower than Trump. Be grateful It was not you or me. LOL
That might be difficult to defend by the Potus.
I think he had his own accountant that did that maybe. I don't know.
His accountant may have been his appraiser. Many accountants hire appraisers just like lawyers also hire appraisers. I don't know in that case.
One of the people that worked with Head Surfer was an appraiser in New York I think. What were they called? Moderator I think.
Rudy may have appraised it for Trump.
I am not really sure how the local government works there. When they say it was inflated, the local government needed some grounds to base the "inflated" term on.
That is like a waiver. What is the base on a waiver? God only knows.
When you get in that culture in New York, you are in a different culture from me. I guess Trump will find out in 4 years if he lives that long.
I don't know what the statute of limitations is on those charges. I am not a lawyer.
The moral of the story is:. Be careful boys and girls.
It is most likely a local professional and licensed appraiser was involved in the situation. If that lawsuit is ongoing, that or those appraisers have to hold that appraisal file until the litigation is complete.
If an appraiser is involved with the State(which they are), The State likely already has the appraisal file in their possession.
That also means the appraiser has to keep possession of the work file until Trump is out of office if the litigation is pending.
There is no time limit on how long an appraiser has to keep a work file when the subject property is in litigation.