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'The Sky is Falling' Narrative

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It would be great (for some) to install a giant, Gulf of Mexico style drilling rig a quarter mile off South Carlsbad State Beach. Great opportunity!

Of course we'd have to return to the 1960's and be prepared to scrape the tar off our feet after for an hour after a day of fun swimming, SURFING, walking through the warm sands. But it's totally worth it.

Once the navy signs on...

Renewable energy is the future. Vast majority of blackouts caused by an overloaded system caused by heat waves (gee, what could explain the constant increasing temperatures?). Few are caused by lack of product but rather a failure of the grid.

Will be willing to have a percentage increase in my electric bill to help prevent a 50% reduction in my ability to live/breathe!!!!

That's very Altruistic of you. I do believe your sincere. If you really want to make difference on reducing the load on the Grid! let me give oyu two scenario's

!. Your a Day Worker you drive in your Prius to work when its daylight and return home when its day light You feel good about yourself because you using less fossil fuel and your not putting as much strain on the Grid as all the troglodytes are doing getting to work at the same time

2. Your a night worker you drive in your Prius to work when its night and return home just before the sun begins to rise. You feel good about yourself because you using less fossil fuel and your not putting as much strain on the Grid as all the troglodytes are doing getting to work at the same time.

Which of the two is worse or are they the same. Well they are the same because you feel good about yourself. Your a WOKE Person.

The truth is they are not same. Its the exact opposite. Most(highest demand) of the electricity is consumed at night. While your sitting home at night because you work days your charging your Prius at night at the highest rate(more expensive) and the most demand on the Grid.

If you were a night worker your grid usage would be lower at night because your not home, and you would be recharging your Prius battery during the day which is the lowest demand on the grid and cheaper. Rates are cheaper during the day.

So I am not against PV use, changing our energy sources to renewable, more efficient automobiles etc etc PV electrical sources has to be done on a industrial scale. that way everyone is tax equally. Meaning the willing people to buy a PV system and the unwilling all will share in the cost..

I also question the ninnies(The WOKE Crowd) on the left on how much they actually have thought this out. Here is why. The most effective way to reduce carbon emissions is to reduce use. Would you agree? Right. So I have a question for you, but i will give my answer first and lets see if you agree.

The best immediate and most dramatic(do it now) method is for Dot Gov to invest in all passive measures we possibly can. For example; Add one foot of Insulation to ALL Residential homes in the USA. All of them. Invest as soon as possible in the most efficient Heat Pumps for All Residential Housing. We can start with the middle class and below. They least can afford to do passive measures. You a hardcore democrat and good at give away to the working & poor class. They are the largest Group out there.

I could go on...but you either get the point or you don't. or don't want too
The SPR level is currently at about 650 million barrels. Almost topped up to the 727 million barrel capacity.

Why do we need to open up 248 million acres off the CA coast to oil drilling?
The best immediate and most dramatic(do it now) method is for Dot Gov to invest in all passive measures we possibly can. For example; Add one foot of Insulation to ALL Residential homes in the USA. All of them. Invest as soon as possible in the most efficient Heat Pumps for All Residential Housing. We can start with the middle class and below. They least can afford to do passive measures. You a hardcore democrat and good at give away to the working & poor class. They are the largest Group out there.
Well said. One issue with this though is that while utility companies often provide incentives for reducing energy, they simply jack up the rates to compensate for the loss in income. So while that could be sold to us as a way to save energy over time, the utility companies would fill in the difference. Like Pete said, these issues shouldn't all be based on economics, so I still kind of like the idea, but it wouldn't every pass
Well said. One issue with this though is that while utility companies often provide incentives for reducing energy, they simply jack up the rates to compensate for the loss in income. So while that could be sold to us as a way to save energy over time, the utility companies would fill in the difference. Like Pete said, these issues shouldn't all be based on economics, so I still kind of like the idea, but it wouldn't every pass

Oh, I agree. Name calling doesn't work with most people. You want to see me get my hackles up? Start getting in my face and see what happens. I am getting old but I still don't back down, I just know that I will get my arse beat now, but you'll walk away with respect for me.

Yes the economics of it don't always work. The vast majority of our Citizens work hard at getting food on the table and keeping a Roof over their heads. If government would work harder at creating opportunity and less at "Don't Worry, will take care of you" crap we would all be a lot better off. Then and only then will people take serious loftier goals!
If government would work harder at creating opportunity and less at "Don't Worry, will take care of you" crap we would all be a lot better off.

Some people just can't function well in society. It's been that way for tens of thousands of years. Taking care of those who can't function, even just providing or helping with the basics of life, comes with living in a society. It's not just altruistic or decent, it is necessary for good order that allows those who do function well to enjoy the benefits of society.
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That's very Altruistic of you. I do believe your sincere. If you really want to make difference on reducing the load on the Grid! let me give oyu two scenario's

!. Your a Day Worker you drive in your Prius to work when its daylight and return home when its day light You feel good about yourself because you using less fossil fuel and your not putting as much strain on the Grid as all the troglodytes are doing getting to work at the same time

2. Your a night worker you drive in your Prius to work when its night and return home just before the sun begins to rise. You feel good about yourself because you using less fossil fuel and your not putting as much strain on the Grid as all the troglodytes are doing getting to work at the same time.

Which of the two is worse or are they the same. Well they are the same because you feel good about yourself. Your a WOKE Person.

The truth is they are not same. Its the exact opposite. Most(highest demand) of the electricity is consumed at night. While your sitting home at night because you work days your charging your Prius at night at the highest rate(more expensive) and the most demand on the Grid.

If you were a night worker your grid usage would be lower at night because your not home, and you would be recharging your Prius battery during the day which is the lowest demand on the grid and cheaper. Rates are cheaper during the day.

So I am not against PV use, changing our energy sources to renewable, more efficient automobiles etc etc PV electrical sources has to be done on a industrial scale. that way everyone is tax equally. Meaning the willing people to buy a PV system and the unwilling all will share in the cost..

I also question the ninnies(The WOKE Crowd) on the left on how much they actually have thought this out. Here is why. The most effective way to reduce carbon emissions is to reduce use. Would you agree? Right. So I have a question for you, but i will give my answer first and lets see if you agree.

The best immediate and most dramatic(do it now) method is for Dot Gov to invest in all passive measures we possibly can. For example; Add one foot of Insulation to ALL Residential homes in the USA. All of them. Invest as soon as possible in the most efficient Heat Pumps for All Residential Housing. We can start with the middle class and below. They least can afford to do passive measures. You a hardcore democrat and good at give away to the working & poor class. They are the largest Group out there.

I could go on...but you either get the point or you don't. or don't want too
:rof::rof: This rejoinder always cracks me up. In order to be concerned out our energy usage and environmental future one must function as a hermit, living in a cave and leaving no carbon footprint? Doesn't living on this planet guarantee you will use some energy? As we used to say, "No sh_t Sherlock!"

FYI, I live within one mile of my office which doesn't wear too much on my higher mileage Honda Civic. I type this in my office where no lights are on (sorry, need electricity to respond to your silliness). We recycle all that we can even if it means we have to drive our highly polluting car to the site of the recycling. We wear sweaters all winter in our house (except the 16 year old who could withstand below freezing temperatures in a tank top, I think).

We do what we can. Note stories day after day of companies looking to reduce use of plastics -- Marriott no longer providing you with the shampoo and conditioner that we all copped to take home to the wife or daughter?

Seriously, that was a silly response and dodges that pesky reality.
:rof::rof: This rejoinder always cracks me up. In order to be concerned out our energy usage and environmental future one must function as a hermit, living in a cave and leaving no carbon footprint? Doesn't living on this planet guarantee you will use some energy? As we used to say, "No sh_t Sherlock!"

FYI, I live within one mile of my office which doesn't wear too much on my higher mileage Honda Civic. I type this in my office where no lights are on (sorry, need electricity to respond to your silliness). We recycle all that we can even if it means we have to drive our highly polluting car to the site of the recycling. We wear sweaters all winter in our house (except the 16 year old who could withstand below freezing temperatures in a tank top, I think).

We do what we can. Note stories day after day of companies looking to reduce use of plastics -- Marriott no longer providing you with the shampoo and conditioner that we all copped to take home to the wife or daughter?

Seriously, that was a silly response and dodges that pesky reality.

Silly yes, because some times post deserve a silly response. I see you do try to do things Good for you. So do I, when ever i can. My office is in my house. that cuts down on overhead and no commute time, other than going to houses. I reject long distance assignments now, just because they are barely profitable and it saves wear and tear on my car and use less gas. i try to recycle but they have really restricted what we can recycle here locally. I don't keep my house cold in the summer nor very warm in the winter. All my lights are LED except one, the ceiling light in my kitchen the led version is real expensive. i have added insulation in my attic. That really helped in the winter. i bought energy efficient tires for my car recently. Yes, it helped the gas mileage..little rougher ride but thats ok. i use my motorcycle for small around tow errands. I rarely travel in my car because i like the motorcycle better. 50+ miles to the gallon as opposed to my car that ranges between 28-32 mpg.

So like i said I do what i can... But i am not going to buy a PV system for my house because its not worth it. period.
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Silly yes, because some times post deserve a silly response. I see you do try to do things Good for you. So do I, when ever i can. My office is in my house. that cuts down on overhead and no commute time, other than going to houses. I reject long distance assignments now, just because they are barely profitable and it saves wear and tear on my car and use less gas. i try to recycle but they have really restricted what we can recycle here locally. I don't keep my house cold in the summer nor very warm in the winter. All my lights are LED except one, the ceiling light in my kitchen the led version is real expensive. i have added insulation in my attic. That really helped in the winter. i bought energy efficient tires for my car recently. Yes, it helped the gas mileage..little rougher ride but thats ok. i use my motorcycle for small around tow errands. I rarely travel in my car because i like the motorcycle better. 50+ miles to the gallon as opposed to my car that ranges between 28-32 mpg.

So like i said I do what i can... But i am not going to buy a PV system for my house because its not worth it. period.
Unfortunately that was not one of them.

So when did this become about a PV system? Deflection?
Unfortunately that was not one of them.

So when did this become about a PV system? Deflection?

The thread was about the sky is falling...it morphed into different topics...basically the causes or possible causes for the sky is falling.

This country consumes vast amounts of energy from different sources. We have to do that for a lot of reasons. If we can find a way to reduce energy cost via under our control not at the whims and wants of other countries we will be way ahead of the game. This country gives away a lot of its wealth to improve other countries and hopefully it will create some stability in those countries around the world. Kind of a World Peace thing. That ain't going to happen.

Putting tariffs on China raises our prices for cheap chinese chit here. So we can look for substitutes from other sources, even to the point of maybe we can manufacture are own goods. Gee like maybe making even brooms here in the USA. OR better yet maybe just maybe instead of sending raw cash to central America to help the people there we cause manufacturing location to shift away from China to central america. People in Central America come here because its hopeless where they are now.

In regards to we are the biggest offenders and the cause of Climate Change is BS. Actually Climate change is just the popular cause to get behind so that we can solve the eventual energy source depletion, Crude Oil is finite resource. If we don't develop efficient Cheap alternative sources of energy the World will not die from climate change! No the world will die from humans engaging in world wide War to survive!!!

Surely your smart enough to understand that! Just in case you have not thought about this and since you put a lot of faith in what scientist say. Chew on this a little bit and you will understand what our real problem actually is....

What is the maximum "power of the Earth to produce subsistence," and when will our numbers push the planet to its limit? More importantly, was Malthus' vision of the future correct? Many scientists think Earth has a maximum carrying capacity of 9 billion to 10 billion people.

The worlds population is currently approx 7.7 Billion people and growing.

The USA population is approx, 335,000,000 and its growing. Not because of birth Rate which is declining but by immigration. Why do we have high immigration. Opportunity exist here so people want to come here. The question is why are the Lawmakers(majority, both parties allowing this? Simple are Birth rate of the Us citizens is declining. What happens then, again simple Labor cost are going up! I think this is showing up in the stock market. Especially since cost of goods is going up from outsourcing to china and other countries.(tariffs). There is something I can't find right now that strongly suggest that a declining population ultimately dooms that country.

So again the USA our population is apprx 335,000,000 people. and growing. Not by birth rate but primarily by immigration. We used to solve our labor shortage during harvest time of wheat, corn and other grains(staples) allowing Migrant Workers from Mexico. They always returned back home on there own with cash that exceeded their annual average income in Mexico. How do i know that. Previous marriage was the daughter of a Wheat and Milo Farmer in panhandle of Texas. Travis used migrant workers to help with harvest. He had two small houses on his land(about four -five sections) so the migrant worker could bring his family. Travis always said the migrant worker performed best when he could have his family with him. Made sense to me. So the tightening of illegal immigration is having an effect on the stock market also.

I am not the brightest guy here at the forum. I see what I know and I don't see everything so I can't know everything.
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