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'The Sky is Falling' Narrative

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Why I like Trump. Not because I am Racist, that is a label placed on me by the leftist loonies. No, its because I am not a Racist at all, because i want everyone to do well and prosper together and unhook us from the Government Hand out dependence aka economic slavery.

Here is what i think President Trump is trying to accomplish. Its tough slog because many in congress don't want this to happen. Why because it lessens are dependence on Big Gov.

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It would be great (for some) to install a giant, Gulf of Mexico style drilling rig a quarter mile off South Carlsbad State Beach. Great opportunity!

Of course we'd have to return to the 1960's and be prepared to scrape the tar off our feet after for an hour after a day of fun swimming, SURFING, walking through the warm sands. But it's totally worth it.
Gas seeps under the ocean exist today as well as oil seeps. Think La Brea Tar pits. As for drilling, the market is glutted and we need fewer drill rigs, but catch 22 is the economy very much likes cheap gasoline. Saw $2.06/ gallon yesterday, which is a price as low as found in 2001. Keeping up with inflation, it should be over $3 at least,
We're at $3.70/gal due to our state being woke.

It's due to the cost of the summer additives that reduce emissions and smog.

Don't you remember the gray/brown skies under the inversion layer in the 60's and 70's? It would roll in from Riverside in the morning and by noon or so it would cover everything in the LA basin.

I've worked in and managed gas stations since 1971, off and on. The only ones who seem to complain about the price of gas are the same ones that can afford the price of gas.
I'm not commenting on the utility of "cleaner" gas, I'm just saying that the hand of the State of Calif. is heavy on gasoline, whether in the form of direct taxation levied at the pump or indirectly via additional regulation on every step of the well-to-pump chain.
direct taxation levied at the pump or indirectly via additional regulation
California added 12¢ per gallon to gasoline tax totaling 42 ¢ per gallon (second highest in nation) PLUS 2.25% sales tax on gasoline and then I believe raised the severance tax and was proposing 10% severance taxes, pretty much the highest in the nation. 10% severance simply adds 10% to every hydrocarbon produce made, plastics, chemicals, cosmetics, and fuel. Plus 50¢ per barrel for property tax which is shared with the mineral owner...of course, they also pay income taxes on same.
I'm not commenting on the utility of "cleaner" gas, I'm just saying that the hand of the State of Calif. is heavy on gasoline, whether in the form of direct taxation levied at the pump or indirectly via additional regulation on every step of the well-to-pump chain.

It has to be. It's a good trade off.
Like I said, We-B-Woke
"By Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO — Wildfires in California in 2018 released the rough equivalent of about 68 million tons of heat-trapping carbon dioxide — about the same amount of carbon emissions as are produced in a year to provide electricity to the state, U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said Friday.
The carbon dioxide figure — based on data analyzed by the U.S. Geological Survey — is more than 15 percent of all emissions produced by California in a year, according to Zinke.

"We know that wildfires can be deadly and cost billions of dollars, but this analysis from the U.S. Geological Survey also shows just how bad catastrophic fires are for the environment and for the public's health," Zinke said in a statement.
This year included California's deadliest and most destructive wildfire — a blaze in November that took out nearly 14,000 homes in a rural Northern California county and killed at least 88 people. Another fire that started the same day in Southern California killed three people and destroyed 1,500 structures, including the homes of celebrities in tony Malibu.
Those two fires produced emissions equivalent to roughly 5.5 million tons of carbon dioxide, Zinke said."

Strange state. Plus they pay extra for cleaner gas, which I doubt, cause conservation of energy law says, energy is energy. The first thing I noticed when Oregon went to 10% ethanol was I got 10% less mileage per gallon.
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