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The word "Average" in the improvements section - possible bias?

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Matched pairs only deal in numers and avm only deals in numbers. The old index card appraisal only dealt in a number.
Now, our reports are essentialy a qualitative report, then asking for a quanity, a number.

A 1004 appraisal is a bastardization of 2 different concepts.

The lendera wanted to know everything about the property, a collateral risk assessment, so we write a long minutia report to show where the number comes from. But now they criticize the wordings which actually have nothing to do with the value.

But, oh wait, now the wordings affect the value.

So, now they attack to have the avm become the pre determined chosen victor, by the elite savants.

Don't look at the message, look at the direction it is pointing to.
In our case, it's already to late for this profession to stop it.
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So me personally, I don't have an issue with the C & Q Ratings.
I don't either but I don't do FNMA work nor ever will again. And real banks do not care. They don't want you to be racist but they don't view subjective terms as racist and recognize this is your opinion. And an opinion is neither a truth nor fact. It is just a supported opinion.
appraisal rule writers should not be in the business of waiving appraisals...it is a conflict of interests...if not illegal :rof: :rof: :rof:
Geez... can she answer a question or make a point without going into cackling like she's on laughing gas?

woke is very subjective...they haven'tt banned that word :shrug::rof::rof::rof:
The latest Alamode update has removed the biased checker in the E&O checker.
The latest Alamode update has removed the biased checker in the E&O checker.
I can understand removing the bias checker. But the E&O??
Q6. Are there prior appraisal requirements for value acceptance to be considered?
For value acceptance to be considered, generally a prior appraisal must be found for the subject property inFannie Mae’s Collateral Underwriter (CU) data.

Q10. How does a lender know if value acceptance is offered on a loan casefile?
As part of the risk analysis, DU assesses the reasonableness of the lender’s estimated value for the property andrecommends the minimum level of collateral due diligence that must be performed for the loan to be deliveredto Fannie Mae.

generally...reasonableness...very subjective terms, eh DW? and don't make me dig into ACE for more subjective terms...you know how it is rules for thee not for me :ROFLMAO:
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