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The word "Average" in the improvements section - possible bias?

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I was called out for using average. Now I just say Fannie Mae Q4 or C4 and no problems since. What a world we live in.
How are C1 new construction homes making it all the way to the GSE with average in the condition? Is this not something that should be picked up in the AMC review process?
new is obvious, good is obvious, old is obvious. average is like a c4 with a wide condition range. the problem is that for material items there is no proper synonym to replace it. how about not old. the other problem is those material lines do not allow a lot of lingo. but once again i think the bad word program was thinking people, not material item. me no worry, or care to worry on this one. i believe that is the average feeling here.

Average synonym​

Based on the provided search results, here are some common synonyms for “average”:
  • Mean
  • Median
  • Norm
  • Typical
  • Normal
  • Usual
  • Mediocre
  • Moderate
  • Ordinary
  • Regular
Guess somebody needs to take statistics.
I was called out for using average. Now I just say Fannie Mae Q4 or C4 and no problems since. What a world we live in.
How did you use the word "average" in its context? Q4 and C4 is self explanatory.
You must have used the word average too subjectively.
The grade cards my kids got all included an explanation of what each grade meant. So that may not be the best example :)

If it is all as clear as you claim, why do I see so many reports for brand new homes where the condition of individual items is reported to be .... wait for it..... AVERAGE :)
Condition of new homes is NEW, so you are seeing what cheapest and fastest appraisals gets you.
How are C1 new construction homes making it all the way to the GSE with average in the condition? Is this not something that should be picked up in the AMC review process?
Cheapest, fastest....
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