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The word "Average" in the improvements section - possible bias?

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I have to assume many have a problem with the word "context". Bias search software does not understand "context". It will flag words no matter the "context". If I discuss average sale prices or list prices in my report it will get flagged. Use some common sense
why are they flagging anything...just protecting the racist appraiser :rof: :rof: :rof:
Oh..... in a secret file, in a secret location... sounds very covert...

How does one create a file (secret or otherwise) for a non-existent document??
Why are the quality ratings of the cost books unacceptable?
They have the subjective words of Poor, Fair, Average, Good, Very Good, Excellent as their ratings and that's what they ask for when you do the cost approach or are determining a cost to cure. The report straight up asks for you to provide the rating used for the cost approach. Plus when doing the cost to cure, we are using the Average, Good, Very Good, etc. when determining the total estimate of repairs, which usually coincides with replacing similar components.
How does one create a file (secret or otherwise) for a non-existent document??
Not even an electronic file attached to the loan?
Perhaps you have never seen one because there is no such thing. The lender is informed of the decision through a system message.
So the waiver decision just floats off into cyberspace like a f*rt in the wind?
new is obvious, good is obvious, old is obvious. average is like a c4 with a wide condition range. the problem is that for material items there is no proper synonym to replace it. how about not old. the other problem is those material lines do not allow a lot of lingo. but once again i think the bad word program was thinking people, not material item. me no worry, or care to worry on this one. i believe that is the average feeling here.

Average synonym​

Based on the provided search results, here are some common synonyms for “average”:
  • Mean
  • Median
  • Norm
  • Typical
  • Normal
  • Usual
  • Mediocre
  • Moderate
  • Ordinary
  • Regular
Statistically Average and Median are not the same thing. Average is not in the middle, where Median is exactly the middle, and Mean is the average. Norm is my dad, so I won't use that term.
Not even an electronic file attached to the loan?

So the waiver decision just floats off into cyberspace like a f*rt in the wind?
As I stated, the lender is provided the decision. Period. I am sure they retain that, and so do the GSEs.
But you asked for the "waiver document" and there is no such thing. Only the message.
As I stated, the lender is provided the decision. Period. I am sure they retain that, and so do the GSEs.
But you asked for the "waiver document" and there is no such thing. Only the message.

so much for the record keeping rule... :ROFLMAO:
Statistically Average and Median are not the same thing. Average is not in the middle, where Median is exactly the middle, and Mean is the average. Norm is my dad, so I won't use that term.
Yep. All measures of central tendency have their purpose, but I seldom use mean in appraisal work, as it doesn't throw out the outliers...
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