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"Total has stopped working" Since updating to Windows 11, total keeps crashing randomly. Even after a reinstall. (Resolved by Updating)

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It crashes ~20 minutes. Sometimes more frequently. I have no idea why. It restarts quickly, but it's still a waste of time. Has anyone fixed a similar problem?
Had the same problem. If your computer saves with OneDrive Cloud on your computer you have to disable it when total is running or all the time. Once I did that mine stopped crashing.
Had the same problem. If your computer saves with OneDrive Cloud on your computer you have to disable it when total is running or all the time. Once I did that mine stopped crashing.
I disabled Onedrive before updating. I knew I should have clean installed Windows 11. Oh well. Thanks for the advice.
Does 11 let you disable Cortana?
Or drive a wooden stake through it's heart?
Which would be more satisfying. :peace:
I just did a full refresh of windows 11 and the issue persists. Ridiculous. Random crashes that seems to be related to when the file saves. I'm calling tech support tomorrow to complain. This is BS.
At this point I'd do a fresh install of Windows 10 until you identify the problem. Income first.
So, Win 11 is a crash fest?
Surprise surprise surprise.
Windows 11 does a lot of things nicely but I would certainly hate to have it in charge of the country's strategic missile system. It still has some stability issues to cure before it's ready for primetime, My system crashes with other programs besides Total however I have been blaming that on my speech recognition software. I hate to hear other people are having problems with Total & Windows 11 however I'm glad I'm not alone.
I just did a full refresh of windows 11 and the issue persists. Ridiculous. Random crashes that seems to be related to when the file saves. I'm calling tech support tomorrow to complain. This is BS.
bad news, but you might need to do a new install, not refresh, of windows. there could be a bad 'registry key' somewhere, which is like finding a needle in a haystack. i've done the same as you, but once doing a new install the computer worked like new, and no problem with anything. make sure to backup all your settings with total's back up & restore function. one of the few things they made that is very good to do.
Maybe their wives, but not the software. As usual. :leeann:
They are definitely on something. I have never sued or threatened to sue anyone in my career or life, for that matter. But, this is beyond pale. This software is so quirky. There has to be a path for a class action law suite for their claims that, using this software will save 30+ minutes per report. Compared to what? An IMB typewriter? Maybe, therein lies the rub. But, the lock ups, slow downs, pure f-ups and never-miss-a-trick-to-charge perspective that this software suite curates just infuriates me. Time for ACI? Has anyone heard an appraiser's perspective on the new, ACI developed, mobile inspection app?
The problem may well be Windows itself. My computer updated 10 and it crashed. I had a choice I could reload Windows and lose every program, every password, everything and spend the next week reloading it all - or, simply for get the USB 3.0 and add a 4 way USB splitter in back... which I did. My next computer will NOT be a Windows computer and luckily I don't have any work program that requires it. It killed the USB 3.0's and my tech guy said there is no easy fix.
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