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VA Appraisal 60k below offer price

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If I post anything here the VA will know, I will be cut off of my regular 60 mile trip to a subject for a while. BUT, now at 63 yo and starting to collect SS beni's, I think they are really attempting to compete with the AMC's to justify there jobs. I like the system, but it is conforming to non appraiser independance standards .
Similar thoughts here. The VA, as far as appraisals............is nothing like it used to be. I'm moving out of appraisals and back into selling real estate. I can make more money and work less hours. Not a difficult decision, especially once past 60 years of age.....and not really needing to work anymore.
I dunno. The VA still looks like the ideal client for the typical appraiser from where I sit. Good luck with the realtor work - and congrats on not needing to work anymore - my wife and I are hoping to get there in a few years too ... :giggle:
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I dunno. The VA still looks like the ideal client for the typical appraiser from where I sit. Good luck with the realtor work - and congrats on not needing to work anymore - my wife and I are hoping to get there in a few years too ... :giggle:
Not to worry. I'm just a 19 year old transgendered male/female, female/male that identifies as a horse and makes $10 per day collecting cans and bottles near the freeway from San Jose up to San Francisco. My older brother, who is 127 years, 9 months, 8 days (exact same age as Ms. Gish) identifies as a "Bert" and likes to watch Sesame Street while chatting with reviewers from Clear Capital.
Not to worry. I'm just a 19 year old transgendered male/female, female/male that identifies as a horse and makes $10 per day collecting cans and bottles near the freeway from San Jose up to San Francisco. My older brother, who is 127 years, 9 months, 8 days (exact same age as Ms. Gish) identifies as a "Bert" and likes to watch Sesame Street while chatting with reviewers from Clear Capital.

I do hope that he is not "Bert the Appraiser". :oops:
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