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Waiting For Btc To Hit 4000-3800, Then All Balls In!

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You may not trust Chase, but our Civil Courts will surely recognize debt contracts issued by them and signed by you. Your bitcoins will be useless if you are sued to pay a debt owned by Chase. Sure, you can sell them for sovereign currency - but with this level of volatility how is that rational?

In time, all sovereign currency and the coming UN controlled reserve currency will use blockchain technology to prevent fraud, crime, counterfeiting, balance trade and prevent competitive currency devaluation, and to monitor/control citizen behavior.

Your trust is ultimately irrelevant. When the tax man or debt collector comes knocking on your door, your comic books, baseball cards, and bitcoins will not be substitutes for currency issued by the sovereignty that rules you.

All of this is just a game to 1) control/monitor the black market for drugs and to a lesser extent other contraband and 2) test how well blockchain technology scales. blockchain is effectively a self contained software program. There are technical issues preventing global adoption of blockchain tech by the UN and the world's nations. In time, you can expect bitcoin to be banned, just as forex trading was before 1975 and gold trading shortly before that.
You really are stupid and have no grasp on the global economics. You are dealing with someone (along with others) that exposed the economic collapse of 2008-09 starting back in 2004-05. Because our exposure of the corrupt and both banking and government racketeering, I can assure you that BTC and Block-chain is here to have a significant impact on the new economy. My regret is that I should have bought earlier.

By the way, the fiat dollar is used much more in the black market then crypto ever has been, or before it ever existed.

Chase is trying to catch up to the rest of the smart money.............US!...BTC if first generation.....tell me what you know about the 3rd generation of Crypto!?

I forgot to add, during the 2008-09-10 Appraiser Witch Hunt, Chase was the main banking entity to throw all of their Appraisers under the bus. Both the Skippies and Good Appraisers.
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Btc yearly lows:

2010: $0.01
2011: $0.30
2012: $4
2013: $65
2014: $200
2015: $185
2016: $365
2017: $780
2018: $3,200
2019: $3,400
An right now it at $10,254!
You really are stupid and have no grasp on the global economics. You are dealing with someone (along with others) that exposed the economic collapse of 2008-09 starting back in 2004-05. Because our exposure of the corrupt and both banking and government racketeering, I can assure you that BTC and Block-chain is here to have a significant impact on the new economy. My regret is that I should have bought earlier.

By the way, the fiat dollar is used much more in the black market then crypto ever has been, or before it ever existed.

Chase is trying to catch up to the rest of the smart money.............US!...BTC if first generation.....tell me what you know about the 3rd generation of Crypto!?

I forgot to add, during the 2008-09-10 Appraiser Witch Hunt, Chase was the main banking entity to throw all of their Appraisers under the bus. Both the Skippies and Good Appraisers.

Every major world power is calling for a New Bretton Woods System based on Keynes' Bancor. You couldn't even explain what the Bancor is, or what the debate was about when the United Nations was founded in 1944. Most world powers, especially Russia and China have specifically stated the 2008 financial crisis was a direct result of USD hegemony and the only way to prevent it again was with something like Keynes' Bancor.

And come on dude. You're a residential appraiser. You should be more deliberate when you accuse others of being stupid.

Ultimately, none of this changes the reality that bitcoins, will, in time be banned and there is nothing you or anyone can do about it.
I don't think bitcoin can be banned.

Bitcoin = block chain computer program. The program cannot be banned, but possession or, exchange of bitcoin for sovereign issued currency most certainly can be banned. It's no different than when forex trading was illegal prior to 1975.

Sure, were people violating the law? Yes, but they were usually criminals. What is bitcoin good for besides buying drugs? Nothing. It too is only used by criminals.
Bitcoin = block chain computer program. The program cannot be banned, but possession or, exchange of bitcoin for sovereign issued currency most certainly can be banned. It's no different than when forex trading was illegal prior to 1975.

Sure, were people violating the law? Yes, but they were usually criminals. What is bitcoin good for besides buying drugs? Nothing. It too is only used by criminals.
I know folks that are using BTC to buy houses, cars, coffee, food, legal weed, and items. And Yes it has been used by criminals just like any other fiat currency.
So easy:

French, Belgian and Israeli investigators have brought down a scheme that defrauded €6 million ($6.64 million) from French and Belgian citizens, a Jan 29. press release from Europol reads.

The fraudsters promised significant returns for the victims’ investment in what appears to have been a Ponzi scheme.

The international network of fraudsters was allegedly masterminded by a French-Israeli citizen. Authorities arrested nine suspects connected with the scam in 2019.

The investigation started in 2018 and was coordinated by Europol and Eurojust.

The criminals reportedly set up a system promising large gains from investments in Bitcoin, diamonds and gold, and offered their “services” on undisclosed online platforms.

The fraud displays the tell-tale signs of a Ponzi scheme. The organizers promised returns from 5 to 35 percent then pretended to manage users’ wallets and invited them to invest more money. Some of the victims were indeed paid interest to increase their confidence in the platform.

I think mainstream adoption of Bitcoin if it happens will be out of necessity rather than choice.
I know folks that are using BTC to buy houses, cars, coffee, food, legal weed, and items. And Yes it has been used by criminals just like any other fiat currency.

Since civil courts only adjudicate debts in sovereign issued currency, I'm dubious. There is a reason every paper dollar says valid for "all debts public and private". Anyone who buys anything of value with BTC is a fool, and no contract denominated in it would be enforceable in United States Courts.

And then there is of course the huge swings in value.

So, I think you're being dishonest telling us people buy houses in BTC. What does a seller have to gain by agreeing to a sale price in an unstable currency when the contract is unenforceable in court?
I think mainstream adoption of Bitcoin if it happens will be out of necessity rather than choice.

The necessity for currency is as it always has been since civilization began. It is not a currency unless the tax man accepts it or contracts can be adjudicated in it. If it is anything else, it is not currency.

Most people (not necessarily you) cling to the fantasy that money grows on trees, there is a fixed amount of it, and the tax man is there to "steal" it from you. In reality, money is just a number. The tax man is there to make you work for sovereign issued currency, which all was ultimately created by the sovereignty directly or indirectly. The tax man doesn't need your money. He needs you to use the money. And that is what gives us an advanced economy over a large geographic area.
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