Independent Valuation Protection Institute
“To promote and preserve the
Public Trust inherent in professional appraisal practice”
Mission: Honesty, impartiality, and professional competency are required of all Appraisers
under the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). Our
mission is to assist and protect American Families and Consumers when making
their largest single financial investment, their Home.
Protect the Public Trust via establishment and operation of the Independent Valuation
Protection Institution (IVPI) as an independent, nonprofit, organization.
• Preserve the integrity and impartiality of the Appraisal Process.
• Establish procedures for the review, mediation, and reporting of complaints from
Consumers, Appraisers, Lenders, GSEs, Government Agencies, and Investors.
• Establish efficient, secure, professional delivery of appraisal services.
• Provide uniform appraisal processing and quality control.