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- Feb 26, 2006
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The LAW says we are to be compensated at a "customary & reasonable" rate.
Yes it does, but the law doesn't specify what C & R is. Why is that? The writers of DF don't give two poops about appraisers. They wanted to create a massive new bureaucratic agency that had no oversight to regulate the banks and that's exactly what happened. They left thousands of pages of regulation to be written at a later date, including what C & R is. Why did they do that? Because, even the writers of DF knew they couldn't possibly determine what a C & R fee is for all the different real estate markets, all the different types of appraisals, all the different types of businesses that provide appraisal services...etc.
Let's not rewrite history to support our own opinions. The facts are laid out in all the documentation.
At the time the Dodd Frank was written, C&R was defined/had been defined by HUD, as what the borrower pays. You can find that in the mortgagee letter 97-? (97-28 comes to mind, or 47 but you'd have to check them)
With the HVCC, the appraisal fee was dictated by the lenders and the AMC had to split that with appraisers. Because by then the appraisal fee was considered to be a Third Party Fee that could not be more than customary & resonable
The purpose of including the C&R in the Dodd Frank, was to get the AMCs out of the appraiser's pockets, and NOT to fee split.
The lending lobby suddenly decided that "what the buyer pays" was not sufficient for them to profit from and that's why they insisted on the inclusion of the Fed Board's interpretation of what C&R should be, and is how we wound up with the mandate for the IFR. The writters of Dodd Frank recognized that the banks had/have a stake in making profit in this area, so included that no matter how C&R was interpreted by the IFR, what AMCs pay could not be included in the interpretation. That was good, because as you see in the IFR it presents some fuzzy language that has been used all along as Presumption 1, recent rates. However, the IFR is an interpretation of the law, and can not blantanly violate the law, which says what an AMC pays can not be used in establishing C&R.
But the closet tough guys, just went along for the ride, propagandized by the supposed "outrage" over recent rates, and everyone just ignored the law until the CFPB came on line, then mysteriously AMCs raised what they paid appraisers from the dispicable HVCC by $50 or $100 per report, and that quelled any fear the lemmings would rise up looking for that back money.
Now with the states coming online to enforce the law, the AMCs are nervous, and many may of raised what they pay appraisers another $25 or $50 per report to quell the lemmings, but then Virginia fired this first shot heard round the world. We can see this placating of appraisers through small fee increases become demarcated along the lines of AMC headquater domicilies, as those that are USA indigineous raised some fees to appraisers, or allowed for some more extended "negoitation" dog and pony show over fees, while USA foreign corporations are holding fast and not raising fees or renegoitating fees, want to guess why? Do you want to consider that a state law can not trump a federal law, and their are federal laws in place for interenational trade? Has anyone not an AMC or bank considered that?
Anyway, don't rewrite history, because none of this requires an opinoin. It is all black and white within the laws, it is not a choice to support or not support because laws are required to be followed. Your only choice is to report violations of the law, or not, but if you chose to not report, remember that C&R is required for GSE work, by law, without regard to wether or not you agree, and in those states that have adopted USPAP into law, your competency rule is then part of state law that says:
3. recognition of, and compliance with, laws and regulations that apply to the appraiser or to the
If you know of appraisers that accept less than C&R they are not in compliance with the law applicable to the assignment that requires C&R be paid to them, at a minimum.
If you don't know how C&R is determined, you can, at a minimum, default to the VA schedule.