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Who else is dead slow lately?

Back about 15 years or so I was gone for a few months or years, can't remember which, anyway, I missed the mother of all forum fights. There were fee fights, AMC fights, cat fights, boy fights, designation fights, love spats all rolled into one thread. One member even exposed and accused another member of "shacking up" with her mentor in another state, listed names, dates, CHUMS numbers and designations. I regret I didn't get to see it live. I only got bits and pieced of what happened.
A few years ago my nemisis [who also schooled me 100 times] misunderstood one of my posts and responded with **** YOU. What bothered me most was that othes gave him "Likes." !!!!!!!!!!
Tend to agree at first thought, although lots n lots of time I'll be driving somewhere and remember a "questionable" Fernando post from a few days in the past--and a new, creative perspective of a challenging issue will present itself based on his prior comments.
Appraisers should be creative in finding solutions in determining value and think outside the box from time to time.
He's also not afraid to express his perspective regardless that most folks avoid the fear of being vulnerable.
Glad you noticed that. Unfortunately, some like to troll and criticize my honesty. MAGAs learn from Trump in never exposing their weaknesses. They think it makes them a bigger person.
Only thing Fernardo ever said that I questioned--other than his dubious political views--pertains to his ability to use the same comps in multiple reports over time, because I've used only about 5 comps from previous assignment during the past 1000 assignments within about 15 miles.
During Great Recession when so many appraisals to do, I had choice of many orders to take so getting assignments in same city as well as same neighborhood allow opportunity to use same comps especially in conforming tract homes or when few comps and those are only comps to use.
Appraisers should be creative in finding solutions in determining value and think outside the box from time to time.

Glad you noticed that. Unfortunately, some like to troll and criticize my honesty. MAGAs learn from Trump in never exposing their weaknesses. They think it makes them a bigger person.

During Great Recession when so many appraisals to do, I had choice of many orders to take so getting assignments in same city as well as same neighborhood allow opportunity to use same comps especially in conforming tract homes or when few comps and those are only comps to use.
OK Pal, N.O.W. I have a problem with you because you tried to steal the thread by criticizing OUR President. The groundswell of individuals who support his role in our nation's future is tremendous. Literally EVERYBODY I know supports President Trump, although of course it's possible that I surround myself with like-thinking folks, although not purposely. We don't understand how or why anybody could support so many illogical initiatives such as tho prevailing public policy during the past few years. If Mr. Trump would simply shut his mouth when it's not necessary to do otherwise....and I imagine that his speechwriters and marketing experts must shudder every single day.
OK Pal, N.O.W. I have a problem with you because you tried to steal the thread by criticizing OUR President. The groundswell of individuals who support his role in our nation's future is tremendous. Literally EVERYBODY I know supports President Trump, although of course it's possible that I surround myself with like-thinking folks, although not purposely. We don't understand how or why anybody could support so many illogical initiatives such as tho prevailing public policy during the past few years. If Mr. Trump would simply shut his mouth when it's not necessary to do otherwise....and I imagine that his speechwriters and marketing experts must shudder every single day.
I support my President especially until he passes Tax Reform 2.0.
In meantime, when I see what he's doing is wrong or being a hypocrite, I point it out.
Trump thinks he has a mandate to do whatever he wants. He doesn't, since almost half population not happy with him.
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