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Who else is dead slow lately?

I almost called TC a Yinzer once, but decided to hold my tongue. One should never make unnecessary enemies in this business, especially if he’s a review appraiser who signs with initials after his name.
Yinz is a goat roper n'at.
Man, these unhinged, flaming liberals/dims are coming out out of the woodwork lately. Kinda like a brood of cicadas...loud and annoying as all get out!

Ah yes, the time honored tradition of blaming the other side that you're not on, I'm sure it helps you feel better about yourself and sleep well at night, BOTH sides, including yours are a COMPLETE JOKE, enjoy the oligarchy that the U.S. has now become, but no worries, the billionaires REALLY REALLY care about you and have your back. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
Ah yes, the time honored tradition of blaming the other side that you're not on, I'm sure it helps you feel better about yourself and sleep well at night, BOTH sides, including yours are a COMPLETE JOKE, enjoy the oligarchy that the U.S. has now become, but no worries, the billionaires REALLY REALLY care about you and have your back. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
Which part of that does not apply to you and yours? Do you feel better now? Enjoy your nap, Walter!
We had more fun and politics didn't seem to run in EVERY thread.
True, true. Maybe because I complained about it so much? Nah, that's not it! I do miss your grammar and spelling corrections, though. There is nothing more deflating than making an exceptional post only to be ruined by your red ink pen.
Yes, the forum is kinder and gentler now. I know some of you find that hard to believe.
Back about 15 years or so I was gone for a few months or years, can't remember which, anyway, I missed the mother of all forum fights. There were fee fights, AMC fights, cat fights, boy fights, designation fights, love spats all rolled into one thread. One member even exposed and accused another member of "shacking up" with her mentor in another state, listed names, dates, CHUMS numbers and designations. I regret I didn't get to see it live. I only got bits and pieced of what happened.
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