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Wild Fires In LA

On my way to Friday night dinner, I listened to 5-minutes of NPR on the radio, they had an 'expert' who said the LA fires were mostly about climate change. No
attribution to arsonists, homeless drug addicts, empty reservoirs, waterless fire hydrants, over-hydrated delta smelt, lack of preparedness, absence of proper warning, inept elected and DEI hires, a over hairgeled governor who said water was 'local,' or a whole series of woke CA environmental policy decisions that had to do with the $50 billion in real property loses.
Agree 120%, but how does a smelt get overhydrated?
they had an 'expert' who said the LA fires were mostly about climate change. No
CDN and Heartland Institute both predicted that NPR would blame "climate change". A given.

The fire chief admitted that they have 100 fire vehicles out of service waiting for mechanics as that was an area where the budget cuts hit - repair and more mechanics. That's coming from CNN
Man....I actually felt sorry for Newsom here with this deranged whacko....

Except for the arsonists, I read on X all else stated blaming officials for a devastating fire, spread by crazy winds that may or may not be a result of climate change. What is missing is any compassion on X for those that have experienced great loss. That missing element and the politicization of this event represents a bigger loss than the diminution of personal and real property.
These folks, and we see it in the posters here, seethe with resentment over alleged imagined slights and wrongs are using tragedies to spread falsehoods and hate, we saw it in Hurricane Helene, and now here they are using a wildfire to spread lies about DEI, using10 very late in the game false alarms which went out (and did nothing more than that, who knows if that report is real) and so on. They truly have no bottom, no low to which they will not sink

Then they turn around and say, "You have no sense of humor ) .
Indeed, they do not show compassion or empathy. They simply can not help themselves it seems.
CDN and Heartland Institute both predicted that NPR would blame "climate change". A given.

The fire chief admitted that they have 100 fire vehicles out of service waiting for mechanics as that was an area where the budget cuts hit - repair and more mechanics. That's coming from CNN
Well, your participation here shows a mental problem with your repeated posting of mocking videos and garbage in the middle of a tragedy.

NPR has attributed some of the causes to climate change. It could very well be true. Of course, they recognize the other causes of the fire. You are a climate change denier. Which is your right. Free speech on their end and on your end.
On my way to Friday night dinner, I listened to 5-minutes of NPR on the radio, they had an 'expert' who said the LA fires were mostly about climate change. No
attribution to arsonists, homeless drug addicts, empty reservoirs, waterless fire hydrants, over-hydrated delta smelt, lack of preparedness, absence of proper warning, inept elected and DEI hires, a over hairgeled governor who said water was 'local,' or a whole series of woke CA environmental policy decisions that had to do with the $50 billion in real property loses.
The interview was about climate change. Why did they have to mention the other things you did above?

Of course, everybody recognizes problems, and I am sure there will be investigations into what went wrong. The fact that there has been a tragic but overall very small loss of life , considering the immense scale, also points to what went right.

It is very easy for you and your fellow haters to cast blame from afar and with nothing at stake. Just hit the keyboard and hate away. They should sell a RW keyboard with a "hate" shortcut key. Then they could have a "blame DEI " key and a "Blame Illegals" key. Maybe they already do.
Saying they should have "cleared the brush" to prevent the fires it's just like saying "can you inject bleach in people to prevent Coronavirus".

If you come to California, take a hike up to the Hollywood sign. Make sure to carry a weed whacker with you and we'll see how you do. Now, steepen that hill, throw in the way thick, nasty brush and multiply it by tens of thousands of acres. There's just no way. The best people can do that live next to the hillsides is to clear around their properties to create a buffer. That's about it.
So Florida does not have a better disaster response? They just get lucky?

No denying your point about the lead time for wild fires vs hurricanes, but it is the planning for these wildfires which happen over and over again that I find indefensible.

Residents were getting false evacuation alarms on their phones yesterday....I guess that is good planning to scare and confuse people who are depending on you to protect them.

Many states deal with tornadoes which come up much quicker than the fires, they have warning systems and alert systems, but CA has false evacuation alarms that they obviously can't control.

I liken it too an emergency room that gets a mass casualty situation, you can't stop the disaster, but preparation can mitigate the losses.
I live in FL and have been through every storm, and no, there is no disaster response here that has changed in over 30 years.

People do not understand that whtehr it is CA, or FL, or recently in NC, NO, disaster response is foolproof and avoids casualties in a massive natural or man-made disaster. Have you ever experienced one? If not, you have no idea what it is like.

FL did get lucky in the storms this past summer as by the time they hit land, they were downgraded to a tropical storm or Cat 1, rather than a Cat 3 or as forecast. The cities still experience floods, $ and damage; I can't remember if there were casualties or not, but if I recall correctly, there might have been.

Blaming, hating, and spreading falsehoods while an event is unfolding and taking lives is new and done only by a segment, fairly large it turns out, of RW folks and seems coordinated
Except for the arsonists, I read on X all else stated blaming officials for a devastating fire, spread by crazy winds that may or may not be a result of climate change. What is missing is any compassion on X for those that have experienced great loss. That missing element and the politicization of this event represents a bigger loss than the diminution of personal and real property.
I don't go on X, but what I see here is targeting blame ONLY on the officials who are a minority, blaming the fire on their alleged incompetence as a DEI hire, which, of course, is not verified. It is not funny, even though everyone has a sense of humor.

I never thought America would descend to a depth that as soon as a tragedy hits, a network of keyboard haters, RW in affiliate turns out, get to work real-time, posing vile videos, cartoons, lies, and falsehoods - "I heard that" they start off, then there they go, gleefully cast blame and aspersions on whomever they choose to target.

I thought Alex Jones was an anomaly for making life hell for the parents of the dead Sandy Hook children, even though he had millions of followers. Instead, it seems like he set an example, as now a bunch of keyboard warriors, from the safety and comfort of their homes, are dedicated to making things worse for people experiencing a catastrophic loss from a disaster.
On my way to Friday night dinner, I listened to 5-minutes of NPR on the radio, they had an 'expert' who said the LA fires were mostly about climate change. No
attribution to arsonists, homeless drug addicts, empty reservoirs, waterless fire hydrants, over-hydrated delta smelt, lack of preparedness, absence of proper warning, inept elected and DEI hires, a over hairgeled governor who said water was 'local,' or a whole series of woke CA environmental policy decisions that had to do with the $50 billion in real property loses.
Similar experience, I had a long drive yesterday and listened to NPR most of the trip. Most of the news and interviews focused on the wildfires, but there was very little rational discussion or reporting. It was mostly screeching about climate change and blaming deniers. I couldn’t believe how angry they were, angry at the deniers. It’s a form of mental illness.
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