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Wild Fires In LA

Helene in western nc, sc and georgia is still a mess. For what ever reason the FEMA money is moving slowly to those who need it. On top of that FEMA deisignated areas over there as new flood zones. I find that unfair because it was a freak storm. They gave people tents and a small propane heater.

Some tiny homes are being built, but not with FEMA money. Local churches and men groups are doing their best.
I listened to Ole Joe last night tell the Palisades peeps that he would

Josh Stein Democrat Governor NC is doing his best to get FEMA money...
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I find that unfair because it was a freak storm.
Asheville has been hit several times in history. So, it is hardly a "500 year event"... it is just that the conditions for such an event are rarely in place. We have flood maps that do not show the extent of a flood in 1974. I know. I was sitting on a hill above Flint creek watching it fill an entire valley and delayed getting home by several hours. But today at least 4 houses are built where I saw water with my own eyes. They are not in the flood zone as mapped. And that same creek flooded in 1927 and 1892. My g-grandparents got flooded by the earlier one, and an old man who was also stranded like me told me while waiting that the same happened in the big flood year of 27 and wiped out the bridges over the creek. He was a young man then and lived only a mile away.
One can only imagine the restrictive requirements in place when these homes will be rebuilt.
Even if they can afford to rebuild, good luck getting insurance.
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was this suposed to be a spoof of NPR? I have a sense of humor, but still don't get how postinggarbage during a tragedy is funny-we laugh about different things. If the fir chief were a white male and the exact same events of wildfire spread occurred, would you post a video mocking him ?

We need two threads;

One about the Fires.

One for the RW folks to post mockery, cartoonish videos, dump on democrats, blame it on DEI and spread fake news - which is the same content they post anyway, and about anything

My apologies to anyone who is experiencing loss from the fire; it is an embarrassment to witness some of the responses here.
Can you climb down from your horse the next time you address the forum? Good grief
2025 isn't going to be a good year for the Democrat party in the state of CA. Incompetent has run out of rope.
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