Ok, my last reply to you. Biden had 0 achievements, his White House staff has already come out about his mental deficiencies since early in his administration.
I do not put Trump on any pedestal. He has numerous personal flaws (maybe not on the Bill Clinton or Buden family level) but the main stream media has been after him for 12 years and if they would only report 10 percent of the truth about the Bidens illicit dealings maybe we would have a better political system. But things are what they are and Trump is the right man at the right time.
Lastly, use some of your own advice READ.
I addressed the "rigged" election in my last post. Politicians, local authorities making election rule changes due to "covid" that they were not allowed to by the US CONSTITUTION. Only State Legislators have this authority. Social media, mainstream media, DOJ, and Biden himself lying in the debate. To that extent the election was rigged, and please don't quote me as saying Trump won, obviously Biden has been living at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. these past 4 years. But we will find out more in the coming years and you, like the media will choose to ignore it.
I only wish Trump was half as bad as you imply, that he would have his justice department send armed agents and raid the personal homes of the Clintons, Bidens, Obamas, ect. That he work to coordinate with some red state AG to trump (pun intended) up charges against Democrats for violating and failing to enforce immigration laws that have been on the books for many administrations. But he is a better man than me, so far.
Move on