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Wild Fires In LA

W H A T ? ! ? !
Well. Like the stories about the old folks in the arctic being pushed out into the current to feed the fishes when they are no longer productive? (Honestly, I don't know if any of that was ever true) I guess that would cut down on that wasted SS money just going to feed the useless. Wasn't that a movie with James Cagney? Soilent Green?
W H A T ? ! ? !
Well. Like the stories about the old folks in the arctic being pushed out into the current to feed the fishes when they are no longer productive? (Honestly, I don't know if any of that was ever true) I guess that would cut down on that wasted SS money just going to feed the useless. Wasn't that a movie with James Cagney? Soilent Green?
I heard that they would simply walk out of the igloo one evening as the rest of the clan went to sleep. Apparently freezing to death isn't that terrible, and it is a socially acceptable to meet your demise in that culture. Of course, I never read that anywhere, it was just something I was told by someone who always seemed reasonably well informed. I expect the first "Soylent Green meal" to be consumed on Mars. Maybe Elon will set a good example of "efficiency".
Perhaps we could move to Cuba; it's warm there, AND they have lots of creative American "COLLECTOR CARS".
Perhaps we could move to Cuba; it's warm there, AND they have lots of creative American "COLLECTOR CARS".
Far better the socialist paradise of Cuba rather than the capitalist experience in Haiti.
W H A T ? ! ? !
Well. Like the stories about the old folks in the arctic being pushed out into the current to feed the fishes when they are no longer productive? (Honestly, I don't know if any of that was ever true) I guess that would cut down on that wasted SS money just going to feed the useless. Wasn't that a movie with James Cagney? Soilent Green?
Soylent Green is people. Charlton Heston and Edward G. Robinson
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