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Wild Fires In LA

I was thinking more along the lines of resorting to getting some "strange".
Some years ago one of my sons had a friend who told me that "strange" meant using the left hand instead of the right.
Some years ago one of my sons had a friend who told me that "strange" meant using the left hand instead of the right.
Growing up, my parents discourage us from using the left hand.
I was never left handed but my sister could use both hands.
After taking brain science, ability to use both hands indicated full use of both sides of the brain.
That could explained my sister excelled in science and became an engineer.
And I became an appraiser, a more subjective field.
Growing up, my parents discourage us from using the left hand.
I was never left handed but my sister could use both hands.
After taking brain science, ability to use both hands indicated full use of both sides of the brain.
That could explained my sister excelled in science and became an engineer.
And I became an appraiser, a more subjective field.
I almost spit my coffee out
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