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Windows Tablets For Fieldwork

This forum seems to be creating double posts (or at least making it easy for folks to do so), so I am editing this (formerly) double post from above to include some follow-up vs. adding it via traditional [Edit] function.

After thinking on what I wrote earlier, I realize that in my haste to get something away, I neglected to mention that as part of the CES 2015 info I am following, a few of the upcoming devices might be an attractive option for you. For example, I am not personally attending CES this year but Brad Linder (and others) are reporting that the new ASUS models are featuring some very attractive upgrades from their previous models. The ASUS T100 (10.1" model) was a very popular device given it's low price and pretty decent performance when it came out in late 2013. The new model (Transformer Book Chi T100) is thinner, lighter, faster and features an improved 1920 x 1200 IPS screen, keyboard & track pad, starting at $399 (retail.) The tablet itself is 0.3" thick and weighs ~1.4 lbs - 2,4 with the keyboard dock.

If you would like to consider something smaller, their Transformer Book Chi 89 has similar guts but features an 8.9" screen (1280 x 800) and weighs only 0.88 lbs. (1.65 with keyboard) and starts at $299. Once you get beyond the ~8" size, you're not dealing with a device that can easily be "palmed" or held with one hand, so IF you gravitate toward a 10" device, you might also look at their new Transformer Book Chi 13 (12.5" screen.) This model, which starts at $699 can be configured with a higher resolution screen and either of two Core M CPUs and more RAM, which will run your full desktop software just fine (albeit, not like a "monster desktop" system, but certainly better than the less powerful Bay Trail tablets.)

Hope this helps!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

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Thank you! Actually I was interested in the Transformer due primarily to price. I currently have a iPad mini which is fun to play around on, but in my opinion, useless for work (I am primarily using Word and Excel). I like the weight of it, and the portability of it. My normal work laptop weighs in over 10 pounds and is hardly something I want to lug around the house, so I am basically looking for something I can just tote around with me and work on when I am not in the office. The other options you are noting sound really doable, as is the SP3 (albeit more than I want to spend).

Think I am going to wait until the CES 2015 thing is done, and see what the buzz is on that, and whether there are any price drops because of it. I had been waiting until after xmas, but prices did not drop at all.
In the "Possibly Interesting" category, Lenovo has introduced the Yoga Tablet 2 with AnyPen support. This 8" Windows Tablet features a 1920 x 1200 display and weighs under 1 lb. All that is pretty impressive, but the "star of the show" is that not only can you use your fingers for traditional touch, but the sensors ally it to use any capacitive object. For example, it is being shown using such diverse things as a regular "lead" (graphite) pencil, a metal pen and even a Swiss Army knife, scissors, etc. with the extra tough coating (which is described as being even tougher than Gorilla Glass!) offering protection against scratches. Of course, using something like a pen/pencil does not allow for the "pressure sensitivity" aspect so prized by artists, it might be good enough for sketching! It is shown doing such typical "reviewer" things like scribbling stick figures in MS Paint, but the ability to pick/poke at small objects on the screen (think "check boxes" and the like) could be really useful since you don't need a dedicated special pen. I have not tried one yet personally, but I am told that a review unit is on its way shortly (floating term for Lenovo, LOL.) I will undoubtedly be getting a retail unit for testing and software optimization, and I'll let you know what I think once it comes in. Oh, and this device is retailing for only $299... :) I am told that there are options to increase storage space and that a 10" unit is going to be offered, but I have no written confirmation from Lenovo on that yet.

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

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Glad to help! I think you are making the wise decision to wait just a bit. I thought that the "old" T100 was a pretty solid device for the money and it seems that they are stepping up to the plate again with the new models by offering some meaningful upgrades as well as additional sizes. "Back in the day", I really liked 8.9" devices for the ergonomic factors, but lately, I lean toward 8" devices for "hand-helds." Seeing as though you want to use yours more like a laptop, though, I think 10" is about the minimum size and the 11" - 13" devices are better for your purposes. I'm really digging the new Dell 13 which is actually about the overall size of an 11" device due to the way they slimmed down the bezels. I can't wait to get one. That said, I urge you to compare everything to a Surface Pro 3 due to its superior screen aspect ratio. It's hard to explain how nice the additional height is for doing regular work stuff.

Slightly off topic - Thanks Brian (you know who you are) for some recent input that went through Robert and resulted in he & I having a very constructive discussion regarding the way certain things work in Av6 and will lead to some additional features which make the program not only better for you and other fee appraisers, but also help out our own production staff - we routinely draw around a million sketches a month and your item lead to a semi-oblique path to doing things better for them, too! That's a win-win in my book. I hope to publish Av6 sometime this month and I would love to sneak this stuff in but if we just can't do it without compromising reliability, I'll schedule it for the first "point release" update (free, of course.)


-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

Would you recommend the Surface yet? In 2013 you thought it needed some improvements and would eschew it in the 1.0 version. After feeling some of the new tablet/w docking, my old T100 feels like a lead weight.

Sorry for the tardy reply - Internet issues at my current location, so am mobile and being brief.

The SP3 is a fine machine, much improved over the earlier models, which I still feel is not the best mobiledevice for most appraisers. Whether or not the superior SP 3 is the best device for you depends on what you are expecting/needing. Is it for mostly mobile or more of a desktop replacement type scenario?

If you'll give me your thoughts, I'll try to give you my recommendations.


-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

I don't use form software, just narrate on Word Perfect - It's more the back up as I prefer the desktop. I would like a combo machine tablet/laptop that could be used as a GPS - what program would be best for that? I did the street atlas GPS a few years ago and hated it... The transformer GPS isn't very accurate apparently....and slow. I like Bluetooth printing, And I also write articles for a local historical publication, usually in Word. My go to programs would be Excel and Word, WordPerfect, and Adobe Acrobat.
RG, is there one device you would recommend over others if you want one that can be used in both the field and in an office? My laptop is on its last legs and I would love to be able to work off of a device that I can unplug from a docking station, take to a property, sketch the improvements, plug is photos, etc and take back to the office. Or do I need to wait til we have tricorders and Scottie can beam me up?
I don't use form software, just narrate on Word Perfect - It's more the back up as I prefer the desktop. I would like a combo machine tablet/laptop that could be used as a GPS - what program would be best for that? I did the street atlas GPS a few years ago and hated it... The transformer GPS isn't very accurate apparently....and slow. I like Bluetooth printing, And I also write articles for a local historical publication, usually in Word. My go to programs would be Excel and Word, WordPerfect, and Adobe Acrobat.

OK, so if I am reading between the lines correctly, you definitely want to lean toward an Windows device so you can use "Dragon" or similar to "narrate" in Word Perfect. The main issue I see in using a SP3 in your case is that the current versions do not have a dedicated GPS system (radio) built-in. That means you'd either have to use a "dongle" type system (folks tell me that CoPilot is the preferred system due to being able to "route") or rely on what is generically known as "A-GPS" - the type that uses a cellular connection. This type system is generally "OK enough" for street routing but data charges may apply, depending on your carrier, your plan, etc. Further, the current versions of the SP3 are not offered with a built-in cellular option, which means you'd have to wirelessly "tether" your cell phone. I have done this with my personal SP3 on many occasions (still do, and am doing it right now) and it is not a problem at all for ME. My phones of choice (WP8.1 Denim) make this super easy/convenient, but I've not done it myself with any regularity using Android or iPhones, so YMMV on that.

The SP3 is likely the device that you would prefer with respect to the screen, powering peripherals, size/weight balanced with power, etc. but the lack of a GPS radio and/or 4G may knock it out of contention (?) for you at this time. I can't speak to the future "SP4" as I simply do not have any credible information on when it will come out nor what we're likely to see in shipping versions.

All is not lost, however... Based on what you're saying (and how I am interpreting it), perhaps something like the Lenovo ThinkPad 10 might work for you. It has a smaller (10.1") screen and has a less powerful CPU/GPU, etc., but IS available with GPS and 4G. I use one daily, and I think I paid $670 for my device which has 4 GB of RAM, 128 GB of Storage and 4G LTE (AT&T.) (I see it shows to range from $650 to $750 today, but sales are common, so just wait...) I just swapped over my data plan from my old iPad to this unit and kept going. I also gave one configured for Verizon to one of my developers. This device is about 1.34 lbs. (0.04 lbs. lighter without the 4G radio) and is "ThinkPad tough." I ordered the optional keyboard "case" as well as the ruggedized case for testing. I have no problem running MS Word (do not use Word Perfect) and other regular Windows apps, but since this is a highly mobile device, you should not expect a thin/lightweight device like this to run as fast as a monster desktop system. Having owned many different iterations of the various Transformers, I am familiar with the performance differences between them and the TP10 and I can say that the TP10 is much, much faster :). The main issues you may have between something like this and an SP3 are the 10.1" screen vs. 12" (resolution is not a problem) and that the keyboard portion is magnetically attached vs. more "hinged" like...

Now, all this said, if you're wanting a tablet more for the size/weight aspect vs. being able to swipe and scribble on the screen, something like the new (and stunning IMHO) Dell XPS 13 (Starting at $799) may be more to your liking. Even though this has a 13.3" screen, the "bezels" are so thin, it is sized like an 11.6" device. A MacBook Air looks huge next to it... It is available with many configurations, but unless you want a tough screen or "honker" CPU, the base unit might work just fine. For ME, the sweet spot is the $999 model. http://www.dell.com/us/p/xps-13-9343-laptop/pd?ref=PD_OC

If you want a nice "2-in-1" style with awesome keyboard , the new Lenovo ThinkPad Helix 2nd Generation is really nice, starting at $979. http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/tablet...gen/?menu-id=new_thinkpad_helix#tab-customize
Lenovo has also just shown their Lavie Z, which is a 13.3" laptop which weighs only 1.7 lbs with keyboard! There is a "2-in-1" version (detachable keyboard to make it a tablet) which weighs 2.04 lbs. with keyboard. Lenovo has had a partnership with NEC for quite a while, but this is the first time this line has been made available in the US. It is too new (not shipping yet) so I do not have any experience with this newest model, but I am tolkd I'll have one soon and will report on it when I get to spend some time with it. Short hands-on look: http://liliputing.com/2015/01/closer-look-lenovo-lavie-z-13-inch-1-7-pound-ultrabook.html

Hope this helps, but if I am off track, help me narrow things down for you and I'll do my best to help, bud!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

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RG, is there one device you would recommend over others if you want one that can be used in both the field and in an office? My laptop is on its last legs and I would love to be able to work off of a device that I can unplug from a docking station, take to a property, sketch the improvements, plug is photos, etc and take back to the office. Or do I need to wait til we have tricorders and Scottie can beam me up?


Consider my post to TLS above and let me know if that helps or if you are more interested in another direction. Based on what I am reading, though, I suspect that something like the Lenovo ThinkPad 10 would be a strong contender. I highly recommend the models with 4GB of RAM, not the 2 GB models. That said, I like the SP3 as a great all-around device. The TP10 is smaller/lighter, but I'm reading that you want something more powerful, so my guess is that an Core i5 SP3 with 128 GB SSD would do the trick. I highly recommend getting it from MS (physical store or on-line) vs. some place like Best Buy so you can get their excellent accidental damage policy ($99?) - especially since you are in Florida (high salt content in the air.) An SP3 has a fan, so it can suck in contaminants where the TP10 is fan-less... I also recommend an anti-glare screen protector with either device since you are in a sunny environment.

Let me know how to narrow things down better for your consideration.

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

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