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Windows Tablets For Fieldwork

You'll see several of the quotes I will put up in the coming days/weeks will reference multi-monitor setups. Hence, I wanted to repost a pic I uploaded in my post on August 24th, 2018. I do not suggest that this is the typical set-up, but I can imagine some of you might run a variation of this. Keep in mind that the pic shows 3 screens, none of which are low resolution, running on the bottom end configuration back in 2018. The graphics HP on the newer models is the same now as it was then, only very slightly tweaked via OS enhancements, etc. The newer models, especially the Core m3 models, will seem to have slightly better graphics performance dur primarily to the extra CPU horsepower allowing for less stuttering when pushed beyond what should be considered reasonable. Our own tests back then revealed that for what we were doing, there was not a big delay, despite how hard we were pushing it. Any delay was from the application(s) not the graphics per se.

I am not at my regular office right now, so I don’t know when I can hook my SG2 up to similar conditions. Perhaps Brian can replicate a similar setup (?) As a matter of fact, though, Brian is supposed to have already gotten my SG2 so he can test some mobile/4G items but I’ve been hoarding it. Hence reviving that little setup may not happen for a while. About the only thing different with respect to software might be for us to include our web product and add some sort of "heavy lifting" product.

[Edit] For now, though, I'll just post another user review in my next post. It'll be a couple of video links to someone using Adobe Premier Pro in his desktop environment and in the field. Yes, it's not your URAR, but some Adobe products are known to be tough on graphics and regular application throughput. I will reach out to a company we work with to see if they will allow me to show their field products...

In any case, here is a link to that earlier post, and all I have to say is: Behold! (LOL)
BTW, that post also had some shots taken of the Fire Department across the street from our old office, so scroll down if you want to revisit those. FWIW, I am told that the cameras in the SG2 are better than the SG1’s – the base specs appear identical and I am told that the improvements are a result of internal “generational” improvements and the results are noticeable…

Hope this helps!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+
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Video Editing (Adobe Premier Pro) on an 8GB/128GB SG1

08/09/2018 Microsoft Surface Go (1) Review - Can it Edit Video? (Review):

11/25/2018 Microsoft Surface Go (1) after 2 Months of Use Review:

Note that readers here would likely have their SG2 running on AC power, using a real mouse & keyboard, and connected to a decent size monitor (or two.) In the example pic we posted earlier, we just used simple/cheap adapters for the monitors. Sticking with the cheesy adapters, we could have hooked up a Bluetooth mouse & keyboard, but we would typically use a Surface Dock (either the old one or the newer one.) Of course, you could also use any number of highly reviewed "generic" docks but then you'd use up the single USB-C port. Eventually, I believe you'd find that using a dock that runs through the MS port, leaving the USB-C port free for other things, is the better solution. That said, I doubt that most of you would be trying to run your business solely on a Surface Go, so I'd see most people here running in a semi-desktop mode when traveling to a spot where you can sit down at a desk/table, etc. FWIW, I've been known to carry an adapter to be able to use the TV in my hotel room as a monitor. Early TVs were horrible as a monitor, but I'm surprised that most of the hotels I've stayed in lately (even in some pretty remote places!) are fairly decent in this regard.

Hope this helps! Future posts will be mostly quotes, but I think I have another video link or two, as well.

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+
More SG2-related quotes, etc. I have only edited the text for privacy purposes (i.e. removed names, links, etc.)

Reviews of the SG2 range all over the map from it is a POS (still) to it is the second coming. That's to be expected. They also variously compare it to the low end iPad, the iPad Pro, sub-$600 Windows laptops, and Surface Pro 7. ALL of these opinions and comparisons are wrong.
SG2 is none of these. It is a general purpose PC in an iPad body. Just what I have been looking for. Thanks to @abcdef's post about battery performance, I followed it back to the PC Magazine review, which is the closest to right I have seen yet. This comment said it all:

"If you can stomach the price, though, the Surface Go 2 is potentially the only computer you’ll need—if your computing needs are light. It’s a thoughtfully designed and solidly constructed device, but it actually owes much of its versatility to improvements in the Windows operating system that make it equally adept as a tablet PC or plugged in to a keyboard, a mouse, and an external monitor. People who spend all day working at a desktop PC and then kick back on the couch with an iPad at night could easily stand to replace both devices with a Surface Go 2 plus the right accessories and peripherals."

And that segues to my final observation I should have made in [my previous update] - it's Apps vs Applications. I know, Word et al are very well feature in iOS, but they are still Apps and not Applications, and THAT'S what makes SG2 so attractive. What is the difference:
  • Apps work hard to be laser focused on a primary objective in a single window environment
  • Applications are the Swiss Army knife you bought with 12 of 32 blades you never open but feel comfortable because you have them if ever needed
@abcdefg (and any others looking at anecdotal performance) - I opened six Word docs ranging from 5 to 293 pages from our server and performance is just as good as the x360. Fast scrolling and searching, switching between four different documents on my two QHD monitors with no lag or waiting (Outlook, OneNote, and four Chrome tabs open at the same time).
It is practically on par with Surface Pro 5 in terms of performance and it offers all the niceties we have come to love in the Surface Pro line.

[EDIT 1] - Forgot to post a video:

Pretty decent SG2 review linked below.
Note: The graphic below is misleading IMHO (He only recommends the $549 version...):

[EDIT 2] - Changed text colors above for improved readability and added additional "$549" Note above video.

Hope this is helpful! Now that I'm back at my desk for a little while, I aim to post more frequently.

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+
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Did the first two inspections with mine yesterday and I am firmly in the "Second Coming" camp! The cellular modem uses a smaller form factor Sim card than my ThinkPad 10 did so it took a quick trip down to the AT&T store to get up and running but this tablet clicks all the boxes for a field appraiser.
After a couple days of field use I feel confident in recommending this piece of gear to go along with the SG–2


it doesn't allow you to attach the keyboard which is kind of a bummer however I carry a Microsoft wedge style Bluetooth mouse and keyboard set around with me in the vehicle because you just can't have too many input devices in the field. The performance of this tablet is so good I believe it is worthy of another stab at using Dragon voice recognition software while performing inspections, previously I found it slowed the ThinkPad 10 down to "unacceptable" for field use before abandoning the whole idea but this tablet is a whole new experience.
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Did the first two inspections with mine yesterday and I am firmly in the "Second Coming" camp! The cellular modem uses a smaller form factor Sim card than my ThinkPad 10 did so it took a quick trip down to the AT&T store to get up and running but this tablet clicks all the boxes for a field appraiser.

What configuration did you get? And did you load your appraisal software on the device?
What configuration did you get? And did you load your appraisal software on the device?
I had faith in Randall and got the Surface Go 2 for Business - LTE, Intel Core M3, 8GB, 256GB. The only appraisal software I use in the field is Apex 7 and Microsoft OneNote. At the risk of sounding like a "Luddite" (no offense meant to any that might be reading) I couldn't imagine trying to fill out a URAR in the field although I'm sure some people could get quite comfortable with that. Far easier for me to take relevant notes in the field and have them sitting on my office computer when I arrive to speed the process along.
I was thinking of taking it out in the field with the sketcher and appraisal software. I would just tap on the photocell and take the photo. And label it in the field. Thanks for the input.
I was thinking of taking it out in the field with the sketcher and appraisal software. I would just tap on the photocell and take the photo. And label it in the field. Thanks for the input.
I think that would work fantastic for subject photos, I have never gotten comfortable trying to take comparable photos with a tablet – I raise enough concern cruising through the hood trying to shoot photos on a 35mm with a good telephoto lens, trying to do the same with a big tablet would be a conversation starter for sure.
Yes, I know what you mean. I have taken my Ipad Pro, and it is somewhat cumbersome to take comp photos. That why I switched back to the iPhone. The surface Go looks a bit smaller and less cumbersome than the Ipad. Thanks
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