Is there nothing the "client" cannot ask...i.e., demand that you do in order to suck up their business? Name one other service organization, professional anywhere that is expected to remove his shoes in the U.S. of A...not Japan, NOT some third world country but TEXAS, for goodness sakes. If the 3rd world here sucking it all up and expecting us to cowtow to THEIR 3rd world standards don't like it...then get out of DODGE.
We have more business than we can handle, but even if we didn't: "I DON'T DO BAREFOOT." It is the nicest way I can put it. And I don't have a problem saying it. They don't like it, try somebody desparate enough for the business. I have NEVER tracked mud nor any other KNOWN recognizable fiber into their homes. If their precious carpet can't handle clean sandals, then maybe it needs to be down graded in quality of construction. Have y'all ever noticed the very "ones" that want you to remove your shoes have carpet that at best is weary? It is not like it is high grade upgraded carpet. It is usually crap that they think is the be-all end-all and of course they want TOP DOLLAR for this mansion. NO, when it comes right down to it: This is the Texas. We don't live in their country...they are invited guests in ours. At least for the time being, it is English speaking and Texas. Those that can't adapt to OUR standards and our norm should find someplace else. And quicker is better than later. GEEZZZZZZZ...get a backbone. I think the next, and it is always females that asks me to remove my shoes in their precious property will be asked to produce an insurance waiver stating that should I fall, or in any way injure myself while doing that which is ALIEN TO MY CULTURE...THEY WILL BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR LOSS OF INCOME. Works for me just fine. Paulette in Tx
go w...
Rotts rule and Shih tzus fine.