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You know you're getting old when

getting in the car without keys.........did that when I was 12.........oooops
Looking for the glasses that are on your face
Discussing what the ' crazy old guy down the street' is doing and realizing that you're older than him.

I 'accidentally' cut a kid off in traffic the other day. He was playing Fast and Furious in his little rice burner POS. He got next to me and screamed 'watch where you're going you Old &#@%&*%*'. I laughed at him and then realized I was offended. I don't think I'm that old.
Discussing what the ' crazy old guy down the street' is doing and realizing that you're older than him.

I 'accidentally' cut a kid off in traffic the other day. He was playing Fast and Furious in his little rice burner POS. He got next to me and screamed 'watch where you're going you Old &#@%&*%*'. I laughed at him and then realized I was offended. I don't think I'm that old.
You know you're old when you call it a "rice burner".... :peace:

When I was young we called them "rice rockets".... :LOL:
When your favorite waitress calls you grandpa and you realize that actually, she could be your great-granddaughter age wise....
When your doctor says "people our age" and he's 15+ years older than you are
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You know you're old when you call it a "rice burner".... :peace:

When I was young we called them "rice rockets".... :LOL:

Slightly younger like me say 'ricer' and when a 'ricer' flies past you at 88mph that's a 'ricer fly by' to show you how fast their 144hp 4cyl cars are when they put on a coffee can exhaust :LOL:
Slightly younger like me say 'ricer' and when a 'ricer' flies past you at 88mph that's a 'ricer fly by' to show you how fast their 144hp 4cyl cars are when they put on a coffee can exhaust :LOL:
when i don't understand what you talking about. i did have a muscle car in my youth.
One minute you're young and fun, the next you're turning down the stereo in your car to see better...
Lol, I thought I was the only one. Thats a good one.
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