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Wild Fires In LA

Helene in western nc, sc and georgia is still a mess. For what ever reason the FEMA money is moving slowly to those who need it. On top of that FEMA deisignated areas over there as new flood zones. I find that unfair because it was a freak storm.
You know the reasons. A lot of famous and influential people live in LA. NC is inhabited by a bunch of hicks.
There is no preparation for what Mutha Nature can do; Winds / Fires /Tornado / Hurricanes......you can do all the preparation you think will solve a problem, and Mutha Nature will just blow it up. The best efforts would be to contain the damage as best as possible, with what's available.
Feel bad for those impacted, including those in Florida/North Carolina still trying to make a comeback from the Hurricane.
Perhaps either political party could see fit to spend some Billions here helping those in the USA vs overseas. Dunno, just a thought
As Mike Tyson said, everybody has a plan until they are pushed in the face.
As Mike Tyson said, everybody has a plan until they are pushed in the face.
Yea, but it hurts less when you are prepared to fix it, instead of running around screaming 'i've been hit in the face'.

There is going to be the punch in the face calif libs are going to get come election time.
Yea, but it hurts less when you are prepared to fix it, instead of running around screaming 'i've been hit in the face'.

There is going to be the punch in the face calif libs are going to get come election time.
Good lord you just cant stop with the hate and blaming liberals. NC is a red State. Their preparation was MIA. And. 911 happened on G Bush, the big tough-talking Replucans watch. Natural disaster and calamities happen, regardless of who is in power at the time.

Communities do not set out to deliberately uner prepare. The problem with devoting large funds and resources to preparations is that it is a crap shoot, it might never happen or happen 20 years from now, and then everybody is angry at all the money spent. It means ongoing training for an event that may or may not occur. Are communities disciplined enough to do it?

One thing, IMO, every place could do better is civilian drills. Nobody wants to scare the dumbo people who actually live someplace. ( myself include d) so in an evaluation or emergency people who should leave don't and some don't need to do and leave, causing massive gridlock traffic. Make a drill twice a year, a mock evacuation fine people who don't harden their homes, mandatory storm or fire insurance -get serous about it., Of course, some, mostly RW, I imagine, will screech you can't control me, and you can't force me, and I don't want to pay for insurance. You cant make me. And then what is your plan, Tom D?
J Grant, please clarify where is there hate in my statement. You are the one bringing up mike tyson and punched in the face comment.

And i'm sure you are still waiting for kama to be declared the winner, because all those hate filled voters voting for trump shouldn't count. I'm just inferring that the calf libs who run those cities are going to get a shocked response come voting time. If not, then I will confess my conservative libertarian hate filled thoughts on some new thread. And then maybe, you'll give me a thread hug.
Yea, but it hurts less when you are prepared to fix it, instead of running around screaming 'i've been hit in the face'.

There is going to be the punch in the face calif libs are going to get come election time.
And speaking of preparation for a disaster, When covid first broke out, Trump had a good 6 week -2 month lead time compared to Europe due to Americans' relative isolation at keeping Covid from reaching here and his allowing cruise ships to keep coming, no test or quarantine for passengers getting off, and his decision was ban Chinese nationals from flying in but allowing Americans living in China to keep coming in, without quarantine or a test, let the virus in here much faster then it could have been prevented, and percent to population, his response to covid as a leader was so disjointed and chaotic and was more about pitting Americans against each other instead of uniting, resulted in the USA having the high death and case toll of a developed nation.

People in glass houses-
J Grant, I love you. Just too funny, you should have a pit bull as your avatar.
J Grant, please clarify where is there hate in my statement. You are the one bringing up mike tyson and punched in the face comment.

And i'm sure you are still waiting for kama to be declared the winner, because all those hate filled voters voting for trump shouldn't count. I'm just inferring that the calf libs who run those cities are going to get a shocked response come voting time. If not, then I will confess my conservative libertarian hate filled thoughts on some new thread. And then maybe, you'll give me a thread hug.
You chose to point out liberals as the cause.

That is hate and blame targeted at one group only. What else is it? Mike Tyson's statement was not political, it was universal.

This thread was about wildfires, and the RW are blaming DEI, liberals, posting mocking videos etc. I could keep quiet, but I am responding. It is exhausting to respond to the 24/7 stream of RW hate and blame and falsehoods because, at this point, it is driven by think tanks, bots, and algorithms generated, and the rank and file just mindlessly post and spread it, so responding is limited .I chose to for a couple of days anyway. I will take a break soon since when people duck responsibly for their statements, it just goes in a circle.
J Grant, I love you. Just too funny, you should have a pit bull as your avatar.
Outside of politics, we'd probably share good times !
I never owned a pit bull, heard they make great pets - unless you get a bad one or it has a bad day-
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