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Given all the data appraisers and lenders have given to Fannie, Fannie has all the information to analyze default rates based on loan amounts, location, borrowers' credit worthiness, and such.
With AI, Fannie should be able to have statistics on chances of loan being defaulted and can streamline the deadbeats and the less risky borrowers and properties.
With time, Fannie's AI model will get better and better to the point that appraisers will one day be eliminated.
But not soon.
race baiters have no place in public trust... :ROFLMAO:
dont you need to log in to the unethical stakeholders private email forum to get their latest propaganda... :ROFLMAO:

race baiters have no place in public trust...

The federal govt does what it does. Do you expect the GSEs to defend appraisers to the politicians?
well hit the report button you big baby... :ROFLMAO:
wow now go edit your lies.. :ROFLMAO:
you go scurry off... :ROFLMAO:

Baltimore suburb with prices up 100% is one of hottest U.S. markets​

Despite a recent slowdown in price growth, this local ZIP code's home prices are almost double what they were in 2019.

ACE....up up and away :ROFLMAO:

Baltimore suburb with prices up 100% is one of hottest U.S. markets​

Despite a recent slowdown in price growth, this local ZIP code's home prices are almost double what they were in 2019.

ACE....up up and away :ROFLMAO:
What easily goes up can easily goes down.
We learned that in the Great Recession.
Lower income home dropped the most.
The GSEs have responsibilities to the federal govt which has been chasing the SJW agenda which has prevailed during the current administration. Neither GSE is in any position to tell the feds they won't

Do you think the GSEs have any right to not disclose their findings on this issue? Do you think they have some moral obligation to appraisers to withhold their observations? Exactly what do you want them to do for appraisers?
I would design a study that controls for all confounding variables, not just the one that gets to the SJWs preferred outcome. Very simple. Absent that, the label unethical stakeholder sounds quite fitting.
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