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ACI just down or out of business

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Also,SFREP is giving a six month free trial period.
Was trying to give ACI the benefit of the doubt as I have been with them almost 20 years,but the
absolute silence is inexcusable.If everything with SFREP goes smoothly-goodbye ACI!
A couple of thoughts. The moment after ACI comes back on (God-willing), the collective sigh of relief will be heard coast-to-coast and all the folks throwing verbal brickbats at ACI will forget all about it and get back to work. (No, I'm not happy with their going "incommunicado" either - no more than some of y'all).

Having tested Bradford Clickforms and listened to their training webcast this afternoon, I have a couple of thoughts:

1. I am grateful at their helpful attitude and their stepping out to meet us during this time; and

2. Under the "best-case-scenario" a permanent transition to this software will have significant effects on the efficiency of our system. And I am NOT looking forward to that "learning curve", if it comes to that, in the LEAST.

Fortunately our two biggest clients are accepting pdf files in lieu of env - for now. Hopefully this buys some time til ACI is "released from prison" by its Firat American parent. I would bet the mortgage that the ACI servers are most likely unaffected by the cyberattack, but are being forced to "stay dark" due to First Am's "abundance of caution" policy. I have no knowledge about any of this, of course, but the fact that ACI briefly worked again for a day over the weekend is what gives me that thought.

Any way you look at it, where we are now is best summed up in that epic quote by the American baseball philosopher Lee Elia: "Its a disheartening f*****g situation we're in!"
Was trying to give ACI the benefit of the doubt as I have been with them almost 20 years,but the
absolute silence is inexcusable.If everything with SFREP goes smoothly-goodbye ACI!
Are they compatible with Spark?
Since FAF provides multiple services (appraisal, title work, title insurance, closings) and many times they are "bundled" together. If the appraisal is part of that bundle. It is just going to sit there until they can get the rest of the problems solved
I agree. I am just sayin there are some heavy hitters involved. I can read between the lines sometimes.
FWIW, I have a long time client that hasn't sent much this year. Suddenly, I get four in the last few days. Kinda wonder if they got caught up in this mess with other appraisers that use ACI. I've been using SFREP since it was WCA specifically because it is stand alone (you can also have it on multiple computers at no charge). This also helps me make up my mind about cloud based appraisal software.
FWIW, I have a long time client that hasn't sent much this year. Suddenly, I get four in the last few days. Kinda wonder if they got caught up in this mess with other appraisers that use ACI. I've been using SFREP since it was WCA specifically because it is stand alone (you can also have it on multiple computers at no charge). This also helps me make up my mind about cloud based appraisal software.
I do not help fickle clients at all.
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