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ACI just down or out of business

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The moment after ACI comes back on (God-willing), the collective sigh of relief will be heard coast-to-coast and all the folks throwing verbal brickbats at ACI will forget all about it and get back to work.
Maybe, but my firm won't be one of them. This lack of communication is inexcusable, they have to do better, and that First Am "update page" is a freaking joke...
I do not help fickle clients at all.
They are not my only client. I am not their only appraiser. It's a business, not a relationship.
I finally gave up and downloaded Bradford 15 day free trial this afternoon. I have to say clickforms feels intuitive and it only took a little bit to get up to speed. I'm kind of tired of what ACI is charging lately anyway and I sent a couple of questions to clickform's IT and as busy as they must be with other ACI users jumping ship, they got back to me within the hour. I did not and still do not want the trouble of trying to set up a new data base for comps, etc but finally had to do something. Business has ben picking up in the last month or two and as slow as the year was earlier, hate to turn down work. Maybe this was the kick in the pants I needed to leave ACI.
I finally gave up and downloaded Bradford 15 day free trial this afternoon. I have to say clickforms feels intuitive and it only took a little bit to get up to speed. I'm kind of tired of what ACI is charging lately anyway and I sent a couple of questions to clickform's IT and as busy as they must be with other ACI users jumping ship, they got back to me within the hour. I did not and still do not want the trouble of trying to set up a new data base for comps, etc but finally had to do something. Business has ben picking up in the last month or two and as slow as the year was earlier, hate to turn down work. Maybe this was the kick in the pants I needed to leave ACI.
Total is offering $300 to switch from ACI to them. Did Bradford give you any discount for switching?
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No but I'm still on the free trial. I figure 15 days is long enough to know if I'm done with ACI for good.
Total is offering $300 to switch from ACI to them. Did Bradford give you any discount for switching?
Total can probably switch all of his files to their software if he chose it .
FWIW, I have a long time client that hasn't sent much this year. Suddenly, I get four in the last few days. Kinda wonder if they got caught up in this mess with other appraisers that use ACI. I've been using SFREP since it was WCA specifically because it is stand alone (you can also have it on multiple computers at no charge). This also helps me make up my mind about cloud based appraisal software.

Does SFREP have the capability, like ACI does, of having comps 4-6 come right after comps 1-3 rather than coming after the signature page?
No excuses for not notifying us or at least give us some valid info.
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