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ACI just down or out of business

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Well, I've informed my clients of the delay and also sent them pdf files of today's completed reports. And OBTW, you CANNOT convert "pdf to xml" that will be uploadable because the conversion to .xml 1.0 is NOT the updated .xml format that Fannie is using. So converting a file by saving it to .xml 1.0 will not result in a file that is uploadable. Just FYI.
Obviously this is not a solution. But at a minimum I have been able to export my files as a PDF. I know some clients are unwilling to accept PDF's, but it may be at a minimum with an explanation be a way to deliver something to clients while we wait for this to be resolved.
I don't care how severe the hack was, there is no excuse for not a single release to X/Facebook/Linkedin/CNN/Fox

Merry Christmas all. Who else thought the last few days before Christmas would go smooth and everything would be submitted before the weekend?
Sorry for the dark humor ACI users...that was pretty messed up.

How about this.... Are there any companies such as Ala Mode that would give you a trial run prior to purchasing? If I recall correctly, WinTotal converts files from ACI and other vendors. Just a thought.

Good luck!
The precious users want their reports and they want it immediately. :ROFLMAO:



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Iis a I out of business or is there site just down!
Got an email from Dart Appraisal, "Dart Appraisal was informed this afternoon that First American Financial Corporation, and its ACIWeb subsidiary, were the victims of a cyber attack and have taken their systems offline. Many of you use ACIWeb’s software to create and upload appraisals to Dart as well as other clients"


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Apparently their system has been hacked. They have shut down systems. You can't do much because the system can't verify you as a registered user.
Got this from DataMaster. I can not download subject or comp date from Northstar MLS into the report. do to the verify issue.

I really wish they have a way to notify users as soon as the system is up and running again.
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