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Well, obviously, some people in some states have gotten licenses who don't know what they are doing. Whose fault is that? The mentors, the state board, the ASC? I guess the ASC knows that now and is trying to help some boards do their job. Some people just don't like management.
AMC's are fixing to get managed and I guarantee you they don't like it.
What positive thing has the ASC actually done..ever?
You realize that the ASC is composed of the heads of the Fed Reserve and the regulated entities (FDIC, etc.) as well as the head of FHFA and HUD. ANd as such they are totally focused on HOUSING and LENDING. That, in itself, is a problem because a significant number of appraisers are NOT involved in bank financed housing.

Read the ASC's own statements about AMCs and BPOs... garbage, pure garbage.
The ASC does have a boss too. Maybe it is their boss that has lit a fire under their butt.
"But now most, heck nearly all clerical work can be farmed out to a typist in India or your appraisal software will fill it out for you."

You would not believe the number of appraisers doing this in the residential field. In fact I had lunch (all food was free) with a group of new people every day. At least one person I met a day had been doing this for years and other were trying it. These seasoned appraisers train their own groups (through videos and work books to do things the way they wanted them done).

Funny there was an actual Indian appraiser there from California who said he found Indian was becoming to expensive ($200 per week per person) so he moved operations to the Philippians where he now pays $130 per week per person. He does 5 inspections Monday, sends out the information required and has five reports on his desk Tuesday morning. He reviews and completes these 5 reports on Tuesday. On Wednesday he insects 5 more properties and takes photos. Thursday 5 reports come back and so on............ He is doing 15 reports working 6 days a week at $300 a pop. That means he grosses $4,500 a week. He pays his 3 assistants $390 and pockets $4,110. That is near $215,000 annually. This is one guy in a one man shop doing as well as many MAI's.

However, there is a problem in some areas. In many states this is illegal. In Illinois if you have someone pulling data from a number of sources they have to be licensed or have a trainee licenses. But it is happening a lot all over the country (where I assume these rules are not in place). This was brought up as an other issues as to why new trainees were not coming into to the residential side (ways existed to attract much cheaper labor). The buzz was many states are outlawing this (outsourcing). Watch for these laws coming to your state soon. So ride it as long as you can causes regulators plan on stopping this. However, make note there are no plans to stop major multi-billion dollar companies from out-sourcing.

Whether right, wrong, indifferent this simply comes back to the same sources plugging holes to stop you from maximizing resources or new ways of making money. It is a way of forcing you into a model that does not work. Even AMC are jumping in suing state's (read this months issue of Working RE Magazines). What other industry tries to prevent innovations without correcting the fundamentals problems with the model in the first place. This is Government gone wild. The AMC's actually have a point (as much as I don't like the concept). You can not have an unbiased group filled with competitors saying who is in and who is out. You are going to here this a lot as our numbers become smaller and smaller.

I fully agree I would not recommend this industry to anyone. It is a black hole of egos not trying to correct anything. Any changes (every two years) are generally meaningless crap or rope tightening. I am not talking about USPA itself I am talking about barriers to entry. Further once you find a hole it is immediately plugged.

Personally I have not seen one solid idea to stop this bleeding. What is going to happen is it will be come to a crisis and the industry will go through an incredible upheaval again.

If you remember we started posting about the coming housing collapse years before it happened. This mirrors the same.
These big firms and AMC's are missing that cheap labor trainees provided. They are trying every way they can to encourage appraisers to join them as staff. I would rather work for the assessor or a credit union or a bank as an employee. No way I could work as staff for an AMC. I thought at one time right after the crash that it might be a good idea when I was solicited by one. I'm glad I didn't bite that bait.

Some sorry mentors are just as bad as AMC's and they can't figure out where all their trainees went either. I can tell them market structure changed. Thank the oligopsony for getting rid of your trainees, along with an oversupply of appraisers. A double whammy so to speak.

They have done everything but increased the fees...they are trying to avoid paying higher fees by "all means necessary". This is the reason why you see the push to relax the college degree requirement/mentoring. They need a way to rush a bunch of new appraisers into the profession...supply and demand.
You have to be registered with the MLS here to access the data. You have to take a class and be under the authority of a member of the association of realtors. If a member gives their password out to somebody, the penalties are very severe. They track the computers accessing under the members name, so they know or have a big clue when a member is breaking the rules, and they govern from within with fines and/or expulsion.
They have done everything but increased the fees...they are trying to avoid paying higher fees by "all means necessary". This is the reason why you see the push to relax the college degree requirement/mentoring. They need a way to rush a bunch of new appraisers into the profession...supply and demand.

Plus with new management over the next 3 years, breaking laws without getting penalized won't be quite as easy. They are joining the regulated world. About time in my book. We will be seeing some people reprimanded who have been reprimanding.

What's fair for the goose, is fair for the gander in my book.
You have to be registered with the MLS here to access the data. You have to take a class and be under the authority of a member of the association of realtors. If a member gives their password out to somebody, the penalties are very severe. They track the computers accessing under the members name, so they know or have a big clue when a member is breaking the rules, and they govern from within with fines and/or expulsion.

This is a fairly interest subject by (and in) itself. There are tons of programs out there that make it appear as if information is coming from one computer when it is not. The biggest and best known is TOR but this is a bouncing server, meaning it is bouncing one signal to a computer to another computer and so on. This means the actual sender can never be traced. On the other end they have software that appears a single is coming from one computer (and one computer only) when it actual is not. Thereby, this selective method works with the general public but not someone with some knowledge of what products exits now days.

The only reason I know this (is my night job is a hacker 'just kidding') is we had to securitize our site. Actually CoStar has the best system to stop this type behavior by submitting a code key to the user direct (within minutes of use) but it cost about $150 per user. It is fairly cost prohibitive to most unless you are charging CoStar prices. There are other methods but this is one of the best. The second best is (and there are arguments about this like everything) a user name, password, (various firewall softwares) and CAPTCHAs codes. At least site owner will know if two users are on at the same time and if it appears to be coming from the same computer (or different computers or as you pointed out from outside the country). However, be aware, it is day time in the US and night time in India and the Philippians so in the example I gave it is very hard to trace. They can make it all looks to be coming from the same computer. Hacking is nearly impossible to stop. That is why you continually see these large companies targeted.

Oddly enough my cousin works for the system used by CoStar.
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