Well...my BP today checked by the nurse during my follow up was 120/70...Perhaps I get some perverse satisfaction from annoying the other two on that list...

BTW, kidney, liver function excellent, Cholesterol was excellent. My A1C was 6.9 brought down from 8 plus 3 months ago. He looked at that and said, "Amazing..." So I am singing praises of the Atkins diet which I am adding the Keto breads. I have not eaten a single potato nor sliced bread in 90 days. Huge different. I am not counting calories, but counting Carbs. Steamed veggies, omelets and no bread nor potatoes with it. My one higher carb meal is breakfast I make myself - I have a breakfast biscuit maker, and I use small ham rounds, split a biscuit and put cheese, ham, on the bottom half, close the center pour in a single beaten egg and add the other half biscuit. Cook 5 minutes - slide the center plate out and I have a egg, cheese, and ham biscuit for breakfast. Tonight I am likely to have a pork chop and a baked sweet potato with a slice of Keto bread. They also make a Keto pancake mix. I am going to try it someday.