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Appraisal Institute - Am I being neglected?

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IMO residential appraisers are not represented anywhere by anyone. Every cycle when I am forced to take the NAR ethics course and am reminded that I am considered a "Realtor Appraiser" and am "represented" by the NAR I laugh at the absurdity of that.
Sailing into the sunset is only for winners. This group is not sailing into the sunset. :)
I am trying to be nice as most SRAs I have know are fine people and good professional appraisers but its hard to pay dues-attend chapter meetings and keep up additional CE when there is no return. The same happened to ASA as many residential appraisers quit. I am a SCREA- ANSI Certified- Green Certified dont have to pay View attachment 58099
IMO residential appraisers are not represented anywhere by anyone. Every cycle when I am forced to take the NAR ethics course and am reminded that I am considered a "Realtor Appraiser" and am "represented" by the NAR I laugh at the absurdity of that.
Why dont you get the NAR Appraiser Designation-its cheap and it carries as much weight as a SRA in the lending and AMC world and there is no on going CE. or chapter meetings you have to attend.
I am trying to be nice as most SRAs I have know are fine people and good professional appraisers but its hard to pay dues-attend chapter meetings and keep up additional CE when there is no return. The same happened to ASA as many residential appraisers quit. I am a SCREA- ANSI Certified- Green Certified dont have to pay View attachment 58099

I am sure a lot of good people in AI rank and file.

Based on what I have observed in various online forums is that many AI people seem to equate tip toeing around certain people and staying quiet on certain issues to professionalism. That is not professionalism.
15 of the 40 SRAs in MN are also MAIs. I don’t know if there has ever been legitimate discussion about splitting them, but that seems like a major hurdle.
I am trying to be nice as most SRAs I have know are fine people and good professional appraisers but its hard to pay dues-attend chapter meetings and keep up additional CE when there is no return. The same happened to ASA as many residential appraisers quit. I am a SCREA- ANSI Certified- Green Certified dont have to pay View attachment 58099

Why dont you get the NAR Appraiser Designation-its cheap and it carries as much weight as a SRA in the lending and AMC world and there is no on going CE. or chapter meetings you have to attend.
I don't really need a designation, and I am far too cynical to believe that would get me any real representation
I don't really need a designation, and I am far too cynical to believe that would get me any real representation

It depends on what your idea of representation is and what your expectations are.

If you think a residential organization should be regularly bashing AMC's or something like that then I think you would probably be disappointed.
I've never been involved with the AI so I don't have a dog in this fight. But it seems to me that the AI should be judged on what it is, not what it isn't or what it could never be.

What do any of you think ANY appraisal org or even all of the appraisal orgs combined could have done to prevent the outsourcing of appraisals to 3rd party contractors specializing in the functions that AMCs perform? Like (5 years ago) when a lender tells an appraiser "if you won't take this assignment for $200 I'll find someone else who will". And you know they mean it because they know that can indeed find someone else who will take that assignment for $200.

Once the mtg brokers got tagged as being the primary source of external influence on appraisers, sufficient to result in gross overvaluations from some of those appraisers, the result was going to end up stripping the control of the appraiser from the loan salesmen, just as had occurred in the commercial side of the business back in 1989.

At that point and in that environment what do you think the AI or (since I know you'll get there) TAF have done to suppress the rise of lenders choosing to outsource appraisals to 3rd party AMCs? What makes you think the appraisers ever had the leverage to dictate terms to their clients and tell them they couldn't outsource to AMCs?

Run me through a couple scenarios to show me the thinking behind your rationale.
I've never been involved with the AI so I don't have a dog in this fight. But it seems to me that the AI should be judged on what it is, not what it isn't or what it could never be.

What do any of you think ANY appraisal org or even all of the appraisal orgs combined could have done to prevent the outsourcing of appraisals to 3rd party contractors specializing in the functions that AMCs perform? Like (5 years ago) when a lender tells an appraiser "if you won't take this assignment for $200 I'll find someone else who will". And you know they mean it because they know that can indeed find someone else who will take that assignment for $200.

Once the mtg brokers got tagged as being the primary source of external influence on appraisers, sufficient to result in gross overvaluations from some of those appraisers, the result was going to end up stripping the control of the appraiser from the loan salesmen, just as had occurred in the commercial side of the business back in 1989.

At that point and in that environment what do you think the AI or (since I know you'll get there) TAF have done to suppress the rise of lenders choosing to outsource appraisals to 3rd party AMCs? What makes you think the appraisers ever had the leverage to dictate terms to their clients and tell them they couldn't outsource to AMCs?

Run me through a couple scenarios to show me the thinking behind your rationale.
There is nothing they could have done then or now :)
It's not possible to Market the SRA Designation and I am one hell of a salesman and its because it was never marketed by the AI and 90% of all Lenders and Banks employees were not even born before State Licensing. Prior to State licensing banks and lenders needed a standard to place you on their approved lists and many if you were not AI-ASA- required us to take what we called AI-101 & 102 which I no longer remember were even about. After that they required us to take course work by different sources. In all my years I had on;y two people who asked what a SRA was by two Underwriters and I laughed and said it mean their Senior Real Estate Appraisers who belong to a service club called the AI -You know kinda like the Elks Club of appraisers or a secrete society. who has taken some advanced coursework and he/she most likley over 55 years old.

The fact is nobody cared and it was actually a negative because some real a real PITA because they thought they knew everything which in some cases was true but we considered them to be deal killers and the dirty little secrete was the Banks and Lenders did not want them on their fee panels. The MAI designation was very powerful but even it has now lost a lot of its shine because their fees started to be getting to pricey . REMEMBER almost everyone in banking today has no Idea what a SRA is and they dont care. it also will not get you anymore work. In Non-Lender as I sell my Official State ( SCREA Designation ) which is backed and carries the full weight of the great State Of California.

Marketing Ideas : The quickest free one is use the State as your freind--Here is how.
Some Designations a Non-Designated Appraiser can legally use. ** How About SCREA for State Certified Appraiser on your business cards or marketing material and SGREA=State General Real Estate Appraiser NEXT TIME when someone asks you what that means you proudly tell them there are three different levels of State Licensing and your just not licensed but Certified which requires the highest and most rigorous advanced coursework ( try not to laugh ) and then proceed to tell them that not all appraisers are Certified. Also add some more designations like your ANSI Certified or Green Certified-These are cheap courses and bingo that word State Certified along with other cheap designations carries some real weight in marketing. Next quit paying your dues for a designation that is not helping you make more money or get more new clients its been dead for over 30 years. Also there are tons of free designations you can get online and then pick and choose coursework that best applies to the kind of work you specialize in. ** NOW AN Apology to my friends that are SRA Designated as all the ones I know are serious professionals and are real appraisers who really care about the profession but their organizations has never done anything for them except take their dues and treat them like the MAIs step children and it may be time to realize those old White Guys are self serving and do not have your best interest and its too late to change anything as the younger aggressive ones who belong to organizations like Joan Trice operates are the future as they are in Bed with the AMCs and Large Mortgage Bankers Like Rocket Mortgage
I never been impressed with SRA. AI has nice people, don't get me wrong.
When I worked for the bank, my bank would pay for all the education and fees and that's fine with me.
I have good friend who is trying to get SRA. He spends much effort and time involved with the organization.
If he meets contacts and referrals, good for him.
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