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Appraisal Institute - Am I being neglected?

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In the meantime, the AIs core business still revolves around developing and selling QE and CE courses for both licensing and designation. That's how they make their money.
C'mon now. You know full well that my reference wasn't to the overall decline in membership, for which death and retirement will be contributing factors; but to MAIs dropping their designations for the same "inadequate ROI" reasons that ex-SRAs have been citing for the last 20 years.

You will also kindly note the question about "misled" that I asked. I didn't ask the question that you answered (how well do they follow through and how effective is their advocacy). I'm asking you what promises are they have been making that any significant percentage of their members have been taking literally. If a member is dumb enough to believe the hype then that's on them, whether it's the AI or any other org.

You're also validating my observation that it all boils down to the money. About the AI not pushing back on the lender's use of AMCs and the fee shopping. And on that I'll agree that you're probably right; the AI probably could have pushed back harder on those issues. It would have been a complete waste of time, of course; and their failure to achieve anything on those issues would have further damaged their credibility with the lenders, but so what?

Of course, they are not coming out and sending out a statement saying, "It has come to our attention that Appraisal Loft has shafted appraisers out of hundreds of thousands of dollars nationwide. We are in the process of working at the state and national levels, including with the local AG, on this matter; it will be solved by the end of the week.

But they could have easily said, "It has come to our attention that Appraisal Loft has shafted appraisers out hundreds of thousands of dollars nationwide. We are in the process of working at state and national levels, including with the local AG; on this matter, we will keep our members updated on the situation as soon as we have more information on the case.

Did they do anything of the sort? Did they send out a newsletter or e-mails to their members telling of the potential danger? Did they name the Appraisal Lofts clients ** by name** in any of their publications? They did nothing of the sort.

So yes, they are misleading their members into thinking they are doing anything meaningful for their members, whether that be financial attacks and slanders by Marxist organizations or a complete takeover of the residential industry by the GSEs, etc.

As far as the membership is concerned. It doesn't matter; the point is they have not been able to replenish their old, retired members with new ones. That is a sign of poor management, and it would get a CEO or president of any significant corporation fired in an instance. I have work to do, So I'm sorry, but I can't carry on with the conversation.
In the meantime, the AIs core business still revolves around developing and selling QE and CE courses for both licensing and designation. That's how they make their money.

With grants from TAF. The same group they had a catfight for years while the industry was imploding.
Of course, they are not coming out and sending out a statement saying, "It has come to our attention that Appraisal Loft has shafted appraisers out of hundreds of thousands of dollars nationwide. We are in the process of working at the state and national levels, including with the local AG, on this matter; it will be solved by the end of the week.

But they could have easily said, "It has come to our attention that Appraisal Loft has shafted appraisers out hundreds of thousands of dollars nationwide. We are in the process of working at state and national levels, including with the local AG; on this matter, we will keep our members updated on the situation as soon as we have more information on the case.

Did they do anything of the sort? Did they send out a newsletter or e-mails to their members telling of the potential danger? Did they name the Appraisal Lofts clients ** by name** in any of their publications? They did nothing of the sort.

So yes, they are misleading their members into thinking they are doing anything meaningful for their members, whether that be financial attacks and slanders by Marxist organizations or a complete takeover of the residential industry by the GSEs, etc.

As far as the membership is concerned. It doesn't matter; the point is they have not been able to replenish their old, retired members with new ones. That is a sign of poor management, and it would get a CEO or president of any significant corporation fired in an instance. I have work to do, So I'm sorry, but I can't carry on with the conversation.
So it is your opinion that the AI should be getting involved in your business disputes? Do you consider that to be one of their roles?

AFAICT people get involved with the AI for the economic benefits and they depart from the AI for the economic benefits. And good for anyone who is acting in what they perceive to be their best interests.
So it is your opinion that the AI should be getting involved in your business disputes? Do you consider that to be one of their roles?

AFAICT people get involved with the AI for the economic benefits and they depart from the AI for the economic benefits. And good for anyone who is acting in what they perceive to be their best interests.

Business disputes? How is exposing and condemning corruption in an industry you are supposed to be advocating for a “ business dispute.”
What are they doing with my dues to help me in a real way? A way that impacts my business for real?

I get better work for having the SRA designation. I'm able to do estate work (which requires a designation); I testify in court for divorce, bankruptcy, and other work, and the SRA goes toward my certification as an expert. I make use of the Lum Library at least once a month, and I purchase classes and books at a discount. I look forward to the monthly magazine. Probably the biggest benefit I've received from AI is meeting other appraisers, at classes and events, who I am able to call when I have a question about a difficult or unique case.
Appraiser logic can be funny at times.

So many complain loudly about being shafted by policymakers and all the many talking heads who have fingers in our profession. Everybody knows the only way our individual voices can be heard for impact, is by combining our numbers. Yet, many refuse to belong to a national organization representing united voices in our profession.

Full disclosure - I‘m not a fan of the AI. I feel empathy for the OP who feels abandoned By them.

I’m a member of the ASA, the National Association of Appraisers, and the Tennessee Appraiser Coalition. I don‘t view these organizations as vending machines. (Something I put money in, and expect a ready made product to pop out into my hand). I view my involvement as a contribution to a more significant volume of voices - unified groups who have the ability to be more noticeable than just me. Respectfully, I believe all appraisers should invest in an organization who champions their convictions. Be vocal in the chapters. If the direction needs to be changed, then a little work from the investors (members) Is required.

just my two cents
I do wish I had access to the Lum Library.
Perhaps I will look at the ASA or the American Guild of Appraisers. I just, at a minimum, want to feel like I am being represented and, yes, part of a larger group with a voice for RESIDENTIAL appraisers. I see so very little engagement with residential appraisers by the AI. In fact I might say none at all (yes as I said previously I could be wrong b/c I am not really actively reviewing the AI's work because I am working every day). I did attend an AI meeting several years ago with a residential component so that was nice, but that was it- - no other offerings. I've pumped over 10k in dues into AI and I just feel like "for what"? I do not feel represented nor do I care about how many countries AI is in. I have no desire to be an expert witness or work on ultra-complex work. I just want to appraise homes and do good work. I mean the last email I received was 6 pages of bylaws telling me not to discriminate. What? Seriously?. Gee, I didn't know that. Bottom line for me is the dues are outrageous for the SRA. They should be half - at least in line with my NAR dues and more than my IMA dues. (see that - I used sales comparison). When looking at all the dues I pay, the AI dues are an extreme outlier.
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