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proofs? Difference in building a hotel in Moscow and ordering a "sovereign nation" as you put it, to fire an investigator who is investigating the company that his son makes millions sitting on a board of a company he knows nothing about. Biden threatened to withhold aid, openly bragged about it, so what would you do if Putin came to Mexico and told them to fire those prosecutors investigating drug and human traffickers. How sovereign was Ukraine if they kowtow to the US for the money and Putin gets alarmed with the results? Putin expected a Georgia style invasion, jump the line, quick fight, negotiate peace and a change in government. He did not expect the EU, NATO to push back.

So, we get a protracted stalemate where the meat grinder takes millions of Russians to grind down tens of thousands of Ukrainians and eventually someone runs out of money. Great plan. And what if Trump keeps his promise to end the war? Dems will claim it is because he is Putin's Bi***. The Nobel will go to Zelensky or Hunter. And we go back to an uneasy peace until the next neocon Dem or RINO goes into office
And if you think Trump and his family have not done the same things as Biden and his family you are ignoring the evident as they both use their political influences and ties to make themselves richer, I'm not saying either is right in this regard as both are slimy in my opinion.

Ukraine is a sovereign nation that in my opinion Russia had no right to invade. No more than we have of Mexico or Canada or dare I say even Cuba.
Crooks need shot. Beats the Dem method of letting crooks steal to the point the stores are closed, letting them murder with impunity, burn up police cars and federal buildings, allowing illegals murder the innocent, R the women, and organize theft rings like the Venezuelan gangs. Kill 'em, kill 'em all and let God sort them out. How many people got killed in Antifa "mostly peaceful" violence? How many billions in damage did they do. The Watts riots the Koreans got on rooftops with rifles and the rioters suddenly decided to go elsewhere.
Wow, and this is the rhetoric that the left is scared of.

I am out of this conversation!
The left is scared, I think that they have a right to be as the rhetoric of hate from the right is significant. The Republican party has elected officials that openly call for violence, Green is free with her words as is Bobart. Trump has made many remarks, in 2023 he openly stated that shoplifters should be immediately shot, suggested the United States’ top general be executed and mocked a political opponent’s husband who was beaten with a hammer.

I want a more peaceful middle ground, I wish all of the rhetoric would stop but I see far more of it coming from the right than the left.
The left has its share also. Schumer, mad Max, pelosi, the squad, even Biden. They are more nuanced about it most times. But the sentiment is clear.
The left is scared, I think that they have a right to be as the rhetoric of hate from the right is significant. The Republican party has elected officials that openly call for violence, Green is free with her words as is Bobart. Trump has made many remarks, in 2023 he openly stated that shoplifters should be immediately shot, suggested the United States’ top general be executed and mocked a political opponent’s husband who was beaten with a hammer.

I want a more peaceful middle ground, I wish all of the rhetoric would stop but I see far more of it coming from the right than the left.
Thanks for exposing yourself to my ignore button. Nuzzer one gone...
the rhetoric that the left is scared of.
So you'd rather innocent women be R'd and innocent children be murdered than to execute those who are drug-pumped, and way too often illegally here. I see where your priorities are. Let them murder anyone and we'll feel safe in our gated communities. You should not expect to be safe outside of that. It's your fault for being in their crosshairs. That's what you are saying. As any cowboy would say, "Some folks just need killing." Peace through superior firepower. That's why many of us are concealed carry. We don't intend to go down easy.
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So you'd rather innocent women be R'd and innocent children be murdered than to execute those who are drug-pumped, and way too often illegally here. I see where your priorities are. Let them murder anyone and we'll feel safe in our gated communities. You should not expect to be safe outside of that. It's your fault for being in their crosshairs. That's what you are saying. As any cowboy would say, "Some folks just need killing." Peace through superior firepower. That's why many of us are concealed carry. We don't intend to go down easy.
You had to draw me back into this one last time.

My friend you do not see where my priorities are at all, you do not know me or what I believe in. I am not sure how you came up with this tirade about innocent women and children being r'd but while you are on that subject the majority on here seem to worship and want to elect a man as president who has been implicated in both.

I do not condone gun violence of any kind, I do not care if you own a gun it is your right, if it makes you feel more secure then go right ahead, but someone will always have a bigger gun or have a faster draw. I wish there were no guns at all, perhaps if we had fewer guns we would have less murder, seems to work in Japan and other countries with sticker gun controls. I do not believe that "some folks just need killing", it is apparent and appalling that you do. I just simply wish that we all would get along but you feel some need or think that you have the right to shoot me or others because we don't believe in the same things that you do, again that is sad and why the left is concerned. History warns us of this fascist behavior of people wanting to eliminate people who are different. It too started with hate speech and lies, and you might say that it comes from both sides but I see it mostly from the right.

Your hatred of immigrants is right out there for all to see and I guess that you have that right to hate others that are not like you but you should be glad that whoever was here when they let your family into this country didn't have that same hate. People want a better life and they will do almost anything to obtain that life including illegally crossing a border, wouldn't you? I am betting that you would.

Addicts need help, they don't need shot or eliminated, a little compassion toward your fellow man goes a long way in my book. I am not aware that "drug-pumped people are murdering innocent women and children" on some huge scale, I haven't heard of any. Sure it happens, I am not saying that it doesn't but far more people are killed by alcoholics being stupid and driving while intoxicated than in your scenario, should we shoot those people too?

If it does come to violence I hope that you get your gun pulled and kill the other guy before he kills you! Me, I'm looking to avoid that conflict and don't feel the need to shoot or kill anyone or anything.

I am leaving this thread once and for all, reply if you must but I won't see it. I see no reason for people to be so hateful of one another.
Your hatred of immigrants is right out there for all to see
I can say that Terrell's opinion of legal immigrants is far from hatred. It is the illegal part that most don't agree with. Wanting to be in the U.S. is not an excuse for entering illegally and for most of them lying about an asylum claim
I wish there were no guns at all, perhaps if we had fewer guns we would have less murder, seems to work in Japan and other countries with sticker gun controls.
Mexico has very high murder rate, far above us and they have gun control. So what has gun control done for them? Nothing. Same with Illinois and California high rates of death by firearm yet the most stringent gun laws in the nation. You cannot own or buy a gun in Chicago and hundreds are shot every month.
I see no reason for people to be so hateful of one another
Me neither, so that is why such people need swift and certain justice. zero bail, low fines, no jail time only tells a criminal that crime is free. you can get away with it. And a riot can kill a lot of people and burn a lot of buildings. I would rather see the rioter killed not the innocent. You seem to prefer that the innocent suffer the damage so that the poor abused, helpless perp isn't going to suffer more oppression. Meanwhile, you will cower in your locked compound and pray someone doesn't break the door down.

I've been assaulted by a drugged up ex-con. The cop then let the stoned dingbat get in his car and drive home 200 miles. He made it as far as Navasota, Tx before hitting a bridge and they took him to jail. He went back to prison to serve the rest of his 12 five-year sentences for armed robbery. I got my truck car jacked and shot my own pickup trying to stop him.
And your answer to letting Russia invade a sovereign country is what? Should we let them continue expanding their borders, say Finland, Sweden, or Alaska? Funny cartoons are nice to look at and giggle, but what is the world to do in your opinion?
I know this guy is no longer watching, but what a silly comparison.
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