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Mexico has very high murder rate, far above us and they have gun control. So what has gun control done for them? Nothing. Same with Illinois and California high rates of death by firearm yet the most stringent gun laws in the nation. You cannot own or buy a gun in Chicago and hundreds are shot every month.
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Me neither, so that is why such people need swift and certain justice. zero bail, low fines, no jail time only tells a criminal that crime is free. you can get away with it. And a riot can kill a lot of people and burn a lot of buildings. I would rather see the rioter killed not the innocent. You seem to prefer that the innocent suffer the damage so that the poor abused, helpless perp isn't going to suffer more oppression. Meanwhile, you will cower in your locked compound and pray someone doesn't break the door down.

I've been assaulted by a drugged up ex-con. The cop then let the stoned dingbat get in his car and drive home 200 miles. He made it as far as Navasota, Tx before hitting a bridge and they took him to jail. He went back to prison to serve the rest of his 12 five-year sentences for armed robbery. I got my truck car jacked and shot my own pickup trying to stop him.
I was planning to go to Grand Turk this winter. Didn't know so much murder. Fernando will watch his back.
And your answer to letting Russia invade a sovereign country is what? Should we let them continue expanding their borders, say Finland, Sweden, or Alaska? Funny cartoons are nice to look at and giggle, but what is the world to do in your opinion?
The first thing to do is not be surprised by it when they gave clear signals of what they sought to do.
I see a massive conversion to robotics in the fast food industry in California. That's unfortunate on many levels.
soon the progressive will give all them robots dem voting ballots.
Housing is the only industry I know where a total lack of sales causes prices to go higher. Everyone else, like cars, appliances, furniture, etc. has to cut prices. Go figure.
Credit has been unnaturally propped up by Biden and the upcoming forced selling will cause prices to fall.
Speaking of credit, I got a statement from Macy indicating interest rate is 34%. WTF.
That's what the mafia charges for debt.
And your answer to letting Russia invade a sovereign country is what? Should we let them continue expanding their borders, say Finland, Sweden, or Alaska? Funny cartoons are nice to look at and giggle, but what is the world to do in your opinion?
Where was your outrage when Putin took Chrimea during Obama's Presidency?
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