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We all want to buy houses like it's 1999. MAGAs, move on with your lives. Stop wishing for the past.
The market is selling off this morning, Nasdaq off nearly 2% on the 10 year rising to 4.783%.
Nasdaq is looking really ugly right now, down 2.25%, Dow down 500 pts.
Nasdaq is looking really ugly right now, down 2.25%, Dow down 500 pts.
With interest rates having increased past week, I was surprise stock market didn't go down as much.
Stocks need to do better than risk-free T bills/bonds and Wall Street today finally realizes that will be hard to do.
At $6.50 A gallon and food and staples through the roof something will have to give . My Animal Rescue food is up over 100% in last 18 months and I am wondering if people now are eating dog & cat food as shelf's are often empty. package shrinkage is the biggest crime my little pies were cut in size by 30% but same price and same with many packaged foods - Size goes down but price goes up. BUT Small Commerical in CALI is dead but no price declines, because there are no buyers so everyone is just trying to hold on. I hope the BLM riots start up next year and ours get burned down :) LOL

"I think the Fed is willing to have a little recession in order not to have out-of-control inflation," Warren Buffett's business partner and Berkshire Hathaway's vice chairman told CNBC on Tuesday.

That's what Munger said about a year ago and he's right. He's 99 years old and he seen it all. He said we'll survive this inflation.
"I think the Fed is willing to have a little recession in order not to have out-of-control inflation,"
It is a big risk as to whether this is a "little" recession or not and either way it only hurts the poor substantially. They are the ones screwed - the young ones can't find jobs and the old ones are having a hard time replacing their job with one that pays as well. How many Realtors are selling as much as one house per month? I bet there are some who haven't sold 3 this whole year.
Consumer Price Index comes out tomorrow....i wonder how Biden's shills will try to alter the data then "adjust" it a month or two down the road when no one notices.
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