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Bill O'Reilly To Congressman Barney Frank "You're A Coward" Over Financial Crisis

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I figure I'm going to vote for those that got slammed the most, with negativity ads. At least it seems they did more than the other guy!!
This thread is becoming hiliarious. It is almost like watching the Colbert Report.:rof:
I'll be glad when Thursday gets here so I can cast my vote and ignore the rest of the campaigning.
Couch I've read enough of your posts to say this; I hope your voting doesn't end on Thursday. :)
I think I may vote 40-50 times. At least that's what ACORN asked me to do.
Sandy ... what the hell are you talking about? Why would it be scary for anyone to "have to live" with Senator Obama as a president?

Who is going to lose all they have worked for? Your posts are not making any sense, and besides being high in racial content they now appear to be hate mongering as well.

Your gettin old PE--I'll have to spell it out for ya.

1- There are quite a few extreme right wing folks that are going to have a hard time accepting a left wing liberal as President. That's a fact.
2- There are right now many people that have or are about to lose their homes and under a great deal of stress because of it. That's a fact.
3- Obama is half white and half black but because his skin is dark most people perceive him mostly as a black man and he is angry about the excesses exhibited by corporate America. That is a fact and is not a racist description of him or of those that perceive him as being a black man.
4- The other extreme characterizations or references were meant to illustrate the ridiculous comments being made by both the left wing liberals about far right conservatives and visa versa.

Any other questions?

PS- If you think that those that share your talking points believe that your in their same league your fooling yourself unless your worth millions. I know who I belong with and whose viewpoints are more in line with mine and I can easily hang out with them.
Your gettin old PE--I'll have to spell it out for ya.

1- There are quite a few extreme right wing folks that are going to have a hard time accepting a left wing liberal as President. That's a fact. (Where would one look up facts such as this?)
2- There are right now many people that have or are about to lose their homes and under a great deal of stress because of it. That's a fact. (And what does this have to do with whoever is president?)
3- Obama is half white and half black but because his skin is dark most people perceive him mostly as a black man and he is angry about the excesses exhibited by corporate America. (Id like to see this statement as a fact too. Many of his fat cat friends are in fact those that garnered excess in corporate America. Sorry cant by this one.) That is a fact and is not a racist description of him or of those that perceive him as being a black man.
4- The other extreme characterizations or references were meant to illustrate the ridiculous comments being made by both the left wing liberals about far right conservatives and visa versa. (They are all racist comments which typically, sad to say, come from the left rather than the right. Just my observation.)

Any other questions?

PS- If you think that those that share your talking points believe that your in their same league your fooling yourself unless your worth millions. I know who I belong with and whose viewpoints are more in line with mine and I can easily hang out with them.

Ok cool .. its a class thing .. NOW I get it. Hang on man .. Hang on. :rof:
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I was wrong. He is acting like a Troll.

Peace be with you, lost one.

For someone that keeps referncing peace and that your not going to attack your sure riled up---let it out my correspondent lender friend.
For all those that worry about racist, rich, poor ETC ETC:

There are only two kinds of pepole in this world;

Those you can count on & those that don't count.

Hopefully with the Depression that is coming , we all have more of the first type!!
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