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Bill O'Reilly To Congressman Barney Frank "You're A Coward" Over Financial Crisis

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Sandy let me guess, “The One” made a campaign promise that analyzing condominium budgets would be mandatory when his regime takes over. Is that what convinced you to take the Kool-Aid? :unsure:
Do any of you right wingers have any talking points that I haven't already heard from the Mavericks? Reading this is like watching Fokkks news... Stick to the script.
Sandy let me guess, “The One” made a campaign promise that analyzing condominium budgets would be mandatory when his regime takes over. Is that what convinced you to take the Kool-Aid? :unsure:

Good one-that's funny!! Be mo funny to watch the right wingers scatter like roaches when all those big black men enter the room. The world has passed by so many of you but ya don't have to be afraid you can still change your ways. There is room for all in the new world but ya have to willing to put your hood away. Of course I am not referring to you personally.
I agree with PE, this thread is “a bit racist”… and insensitive. Tony Snow served as White House Press Secretary from May 2006 until his resignation effective September 2007 and died July 12, 2008.

I agree with PE, this thread is “a bit racist”… and insensitive. Tony Snow served as White House Press Secretary from May 2006 until his resignation effective September 2007 and died July 12, 2008.


Huh? ya lost me with the Tony Snow thing.

In case you don't get it my comments are meant to reflect the ridiculous extreme extensions of the far left's points of view by the extreme right wings points of view and visa versa.
Huh? ya lost me with the Tony Snow thing.

In case you don't get it my comments are meant to reflect the ridiculous extreme extensions of the far left's points of view by the extreme right wings points of view and visa versa.

How much more extreme can you get Sandy, with all due respect, than talking about "... angry black men ...", " ... black panthers ...", and "... rich old white men ..." . I mean thats a pretty extreme view no matter which side of the aisle you are on ...

I didnt see you make any comment about punning the extremes ... they seemed to be your views quite honestly. And just in case you didnt know, Mr Obama is in fact a rich dude ... just not old nor white.
Huh? ya lost me with the Tony Snow thing.

In case you don't get it my comments are meant to reflect the ridiculous extreme extensions of the far left's points of view by the extreme right wings points of view and visa versa.


Of course those are old news... some newer whoppers for your 'amusement':

1. 'Home ownership is at an all time high'. Those words uttered by Tony Snow about six months ago. Is he delusional, or has he been living in a time warp?

And the biggest lie of all:

W. calling himself a conservative. That's a real howler. (My Bold)
Sandy, there is no Lounge here any more. Economics discussions will get dragged into the political arena out of necessity.

Sometimes I am in the mood for a pie fight. But, I'd rather the economics topics continue as an option then to vent my spleen or verbally dissect you and risk locking the thread or getting the topic banned.

There have been a lot more bombs thrown out here than bright ideas by many posters. Let's all tone it down, not to the point that it loses meaning, of course.

I'll start as a gesture of good will by not posting a diatribe that rips you a new one. Even a compliment: I reviewed some of your threads & you bring good points to the table every now and then. How about this: And, you're not a total Troll:rof:
Sandy, there is no Lounge here any more. Economics discussions will get dragged into the political arena out of necessity.

Sometimes I am in the mood for a pie fight. But, I'd rather the economics topics continue as an option then to vent my spleen or verbally dissect you and risk locking the thread or getting the topic banned.

There have been a lot more bombs thrown out here than bright ideas by many posters. Let's all tone it down, not to the point that it loses meaning, of course.

I'll start as a gesture of good will by not posting a diatribe that rips you a new one. Even a compliment: I reviewed some of your threads & you bring good points to the table every now and then. How about this: And, you're not a total Troll:rof:

You have to remember Sandy that there are things you learn in books and things you learn by only by having lived a certain number of years and actually bothered to observe what was going on around you.

Sandy Quote: "Find some cover son-america is no longer going to be run by rich old white men that you think are your friends or that you think have had your best interests in mind. It's a new world out there, try to embrace it not fear it."

America today is run by greedy, selfish and self-serving politicians and businessmen, but I'd rather have the country run by intelligent, but greedy, people than by the utter retards of the post baby boomer generation(s). After a good many years in retail I can tell you that most folks under 30 can barely wipe their own ***, much less run the Country.

The one thing that has surprised me about Obama is that Hillary has not hired some Arkansas bubba to pop a cap on him. She and Bill must have something up their sleeve and even if "the messiah" does get elected (though we all know it won't be fair and square) it will probably be a short term. You just do not **** off the Clintons and not expect some type of retribution. I would have no problem voting for Alan Keyes for POTUS and you should discontinue your assumption that most of America would not vote for a black man due to his skin color. I'm not voting for Obama because of the fact he is a socialist and a closet white hating (read self-hating, due to his mixed race heritage) racist.
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You have to remember Sandy that there are things you learn in books and things you learn by only by having lived a certain number of years and actually bothered to observe what was going on around you.

Sandy Quote: "Find some cover son-america is no longer going to be run by rich old white men that you think are your friends or that you think have had your best interests in mind. It's a new world out there, try to embrace it not fear it."

America today is run by greedy, selfish and self-serving politicians and businessmen, but I'd rather have the country run by intelligent, but greedy, people than by the utter retards of the post baby boomer generation(s). After a good many years in retail I can tell you that most folks under 30 can barely wipe their own ***, much less run the Country.

The one thing that has surprised me about Obama is that Hillary has not hired some Arkansas bubba to pop a cap on him. She and Bill must have something up their sleeve and even if "the messiah" does get elected (though we all know it won't be fair and square) it will probably be a short term. You just do not **** of the Clintons and not expect some type of retribution. I would have no problem voting for Alan Keyes for POTUS and you should discontinue your assumption that most of America would not vote for a black man due to his skin color. I'm not voting for Obama because of the fact he is a socialist and a closet white hating (read self-hating, due to his mixed race heritage) racist.

Id vote for J.C. Watts in a minute .. problem is hes too smart to run for the office.
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