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Bill O'Reilly To Congressman Barney Frank "You're A Coward" Over Financial Crisis

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Emergency notice to all extreme ring wingers----

Obama wins with over 300 electoral votes and has filibuster proof Senate!

PE goes underground full time with 4 year supply of food and water and his computer so he can comment on 100% of forum posts instead of the current 95%.
McCain is a dangerous angry old man who wants to bomb anybody and everybody that he feels like. The coward McCain wasn't able to satisfy his thirst for blood because he got shot down so he wants to make up for lost time now. He is the one who said to bomb Iran.

I believe he signed a war crimes confession-that's not hero that's a coward. The Viet Nam War was wrong, the Iraq War was wrong and thousands of low income minority kids gave their lives for some bullshat slogan that programmed them into thinking they were protecting their country. If fact there were dying because rich old white men couldn't control their testosterone.

Vote for Obama and bring our troops home now!

If Obama gets elected the troops will be coming home for sure. What they will do when they get here is another matter entirely. Let me say Sandy, that you will have some time to reflect on your choice of candidates as you are loaded onto the cattle car at "the messiah's" direction. In the mean time, new jobs could be created in genetics research as scientists learn which specific gene causes the thoughts and ideas you have. Hopefully, the gene can be eliminated and the brain defect cured forever. Otherwise enjoy your trip to the showers..........courtesy of the "Big O."
If Obama gets elected the troops will be coming home for sure. What they will do when they get here is another matter entirely. Let me say Sandy, that you will have some time to reflect on your choice of candidates as you are loaded onto the cattle car at "the messiah's" direction. In the mean time, new jobs could be created in genetics research as scientists learn which specific gene causes the thoughts and ideas you have. Hopefully, the gene can be eliminated and the brain defect cured forever. Otherwise enjoy your trip to the showers..........courtesy of the "Big O."

My brain is not programmed like yours is!
If Obama gets elected the troops will be coming home for sure. What they will do when they get here is another matter entirely. Let me say Sandy, that you will have some time to reflect on your choice of candidates as you are loaded onto the cattle car at "the messiah's" direction. In the mean time, new jobs could be created in genetics research as scientists learn which specific gene causes the thoughts and ideas you have. Hopefully, the gene can be eliminated and the brain defect cured forever. Otherwise enjoy your trip to the showers..........courtesy of the "Big O."

Crunch, Sandy,

I think that the two of you have presented the extreme positions of your respective parties very well. Both are a bit scary. Who needs halloween!
One two three four what are we fightin for--I don't know I don't give a dam next stop is good ole Iran! McCain on my brain! Rich ole white man makum big whompum boom.

Keep drinking the Kool Aid Sandy. It is ill informed boot stomping party line idiots like yourself that make me embarrassed to call myself a liberal. Barry, in his 4 years of office(2 of which he hasn't been at work for), has collected the tidy sum of $973 million in earmarks, making him a hypocrite beyond words. McCain in his 20 years+, $24 million in earmarks. Who is playing in the cesspool of Big Whampum?
McCain is a dangerous angry old man who wants to bomb anybody and everybody that he feels like. The coward McCain wasn't able to satisfy his thirst for blood because he got shot down so he wants to make up for lost time now. He is the one who said to bomb Iran.
I believe he signed a war crimes confession-that's not hero that's a coward. The Viet Nam War was wrong, the Iraq War was wrong and thousands of low income minority kids gave their lives for some bullshat slogan that programmed them into thinking they were protecting their country. If fact there were dying because rich old white men couldn't control their testosterone.
Vote for Obama and bring our troops home now!

I frankly don't know what to say about the above poster.
The words Uninformed. Illogical and Irrational immediately come to mind.
All I can do is save my own sanity, is to put him/her on IGNORE.


.......See yah "Big Fellow"
Suggest everyone else do likewise
I am a registered non-partisan, and I know who I am going to vote for. It is a difficult decision because I don't think anyone knows who will actually do the best job. They may belong to a certain party, or say certain things, but we have heard all of it before, and have had successes and failures with both parties in office. All we can do is research, and pick who we think will be the best, then hope they are.

With that said, I have personally decided not to get into the debate on this forum over which candidate I think will be best, because it just doesn't seem constructive at all. I don't think anyone's mind is going to be changed, and it only appears to be a divisive issue. You would think with the current state of affairs in our industry and our Country being so dire, we could try to be more constructive and less divisive. Obviously both sides feel very strongly, and both sides want what is best. Can't we just leave it at that and be respectful of each other?
On a lighter note, they both must be crazy to want this job right now:)
Not sure who I'll vote for on November 4th, but deciding who I'll put on Ignore is getting very easy.

The choice is clear-

You can be part of history by voting for the first black man in history to be President or you can vote for a rich war mongering old white man that killed untold numbers of people he never met and wants to do it again.
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