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Desktop appraisals officially rolling out

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Make it simple and require licensed appraisers to complete all inspections....
Otherwise there will be those who challenge the quality of the inspection training organization....
Keep it simple....
Make it simple and require licensed appraisers to complete all inspections....
Otherwise there will be those who challenge the quality of the inspection training organization....
Keep it simple....
that does not solve the problem because there is an appraiser shortage
Why should they be paid 'well' for it? Because everyone deserves to be paid well?
Yes, professionals deserve decent compensation, and idk what planet you live on, but paying somebody well /competitive with other professions draws and keeps good people in , that is how every other profession or field works. Or maybe you can volunteer to work for half your salary if it does not matter -
Why should they be paid 'well' for it? Because everyone deserves to be paid well?
AMC shill spin, next will come the unproven line a high fee does not guarantee quality, - it is not even self interest on my part, I am advocating decent pay for non appraiser inspectors. The borrower covers it so what is another $50 or $100 an order - those differences only matter when an AMC is getting it as their profit skim.
Yes, professionals deserve decent compensation, and idk what planet you live on, but paying somebody well /competitive with other professions draws and keeps good people in , that is how every other profession or field works. Or maybe you can volunteer to work for half your salary if it does not matter -
I see where your coming from. You want lender to pay for it and cut AMC out. I agree. I'll go further and say AMC fees need to be separate on truth in lending disclosures and bank pay their fees.
AMC shill spin, next will come the unproven line a high fee does not guarantee quality, - it is not even self interest on my part, I am advocating decent pay for non appraiser inspectors.
So much to unpack here... AMC shill spin? Not sure what that is, but my comment had nothing to do with AMC's. It is an economic philosophy that espouses that compensation should be based on demand and supply, not a socialist/communist belief that everyone should be paid 'well' regardless of whether or not their skillset is demanded in the market. I'm fully aware that you and I disagree philosophically on which economic system is most productive (so please don't send me a book on why I'm wrong), but I just wanted to make sure you understand the comment is not 'AMC shill spin'.

Yes, professionals deserve decent compensation, and idk what planet you live on, but paying somebody well /competitive with other professions draws and keeps good people in , that is how every other profession or field works. Or maybe you can volunteer to work for half your salary if it does not matter -
(a) No - professionals don't deserve any more compensation than what the market will bear for their particular skillset. (b) I live on planet Earth - just like you. (c) the market doesn't care whether 'good people' are in a particular profession (whatever 'good people' means) - the market cares whether you have a skillset that is in demand. (d) no - that's not how other professions work - unless they are subsidized by government. (e) my salary is commensurate with what my employer feels I bring to the table - which is the way things should work IMO. Again - I know you disagree - and that's ok. Just don't send me a communist manifesto. I've already read the one from Mr. Marx, and I wasn't sold. Much prefer Mr. Smith to Mr. Marx.
That would rhyme with capitalism.
So much to unpack here... AMC shill spin? Not sure what that is, but my comment had nothing to do with AMC's. It is an economic philosophy that espouses that compensation should be based on demand and supply, not a socialist/communist belief that everyone should be paid 'well' regardless of whether or not their skillset is demanded in the market. I'm fully aware that you and I disagree philosophically on which economic system is most productive (so please don't send me a book on why I'm wrong), but I just wanted to make sure you understand the comment is not 'AMC shill spin'.

(a) No - professionals don't deserve any more compensation than what the market will bear for their particular skillset. (b) I live on planet Earth - just like you. (c) the market doesn't care whether 'good people' are in a particular profession (whatever 'good people' means) - the market cares whether you have a skillset that is in demand. (d) no - that's not how other professions work - unless they are subsidized by government. (e) my salary is commensurate with what my employer feels I bring to the table - which is the way things should work IMO. Again - I know you disagree - and that's ok. Just don't send me a communist manifesto. I've already read the one from Mr. Marx, and I wasn't sold. Much prefer Mr. Smith to Mr. Marx.
Well we know your versin is starve everyone and all the wealth goes to the 1% and they pay no taxes too.

Paying workers fairly does not have to be Marxism, too busy to go too far into it, and it can get off topic, But since you lectured me, I can lecture you -working folks got brainwashed that fair pay means communism, as those who profit off it laugh at how easy it is to get people to act against their own best interest.

Wrt economics and S/D, when other fields pay better, a field that pays worse is left with inferior people or people who cut corners to get it done cheap. I can not fathom why you think that it is a good idea for res lending valuation work, since large sums of money are at stake and many people's biggest asset and investment is their home. Valuation whether on inspection end or appraisal end. Just a bunch of spin to keep AMC;s getting part of fee as an entitlement. Let the AMC charge their lender customer for it the way other businesses compete. The fee split to AMC off appraisers and appraisals is a govt sponsored entitlement which as an anti Marxists strange to see you supporting.
*Fannie Mae sent out em blasts with the Instructions, differences of each Form type, & the NEW FORMS of what has been redacted ( & Added to Certs & Limitations) and a short video of HOW-TO.

Every Order I have received (and Declined) ...( like BPOs ) a broker or RE agent did the Part A "Inspection".
Since I have not accepted ONE yet, I can't speak to the "Attachments of the Order" inclusive of their floorplan.
For a BOX no big deal.
*For A more detailed home, it's a BIG- TIME involved deal (FEE COMENSERATE).
Hoping: attachments will have "the floorplan" that can be inserted into the Report.
****------->>As Was Said, what the Owner of a property said...CAN & WILL be misconstrued to "their position" for their loan.

*So for these HENCE FORWARD: WHO-Said-WHAT is a must have Paper-Trail of WHO-DUN'-IT.

Wonder how many clients already DO not use Fannie Mae Forms for these type products. Already IN your Appraisal Software.
The ADI is a desktop appraisal which incorporates a Property Condition Report (PCR).
Desktop Appraisal

via Their Assignment Order

HOW IT WORKS: The PCR is completed by a local real estate agent or broker and consists of a photo of the property, the condition of the property with a comment and any health and safety issues noted. When that is complete, the appraiser uses the information provided as well as their MLS and any other resources to fill in the ADI form on the website. Both the ADI and the PCR are provided to the client as one complete report.

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