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FAIR Fee Apprasiers Involved in Regulation

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I will be happy to help but I am unable to serve as a board member. I have already been rejected as a board member for another group! Perhaps I can help in some other way.

Bob Ipock

As you know I got involved with getting Wayne's first user group going last week. The ACI group is an "open group", open to all.

FAIR looks like a candidate for another group. Perhaps the FAIR group could be set up as a closed group once there are actual members. Communicate with Wayne about this. He is the boss, I'm only involved in a very small way with the ACI group.

Also, count me in an a FAIR "charter member." I vote "aye". What is your mailing address?
I have been involved in the formation of a new state denominational religious association and served on two church constitutional revision committees, and while I don’t claim to be an authority on constitutional law, I think I know about as much about the subject as some Florida Supreme Court Judges do. A few comments;
Tom and Steve are serving as the organizational spearheads. I have no object with either of them. When the state religious organization mentioned above held its organizational meeting, a retired Air Force General layman and two clergy served in the same capacity. They called the meeting together and proposed a procedure for electing a council to head the elections of an interim government. This caused a problem in the minds of some people. They wanted to nominate their own leaders from the floor so it would not appear to look like a railroad job. Three hours later, they were right back where they started with 12 of the 15 people they started out with, but they were satisfied. They had cleared the air and set the tone to remove any taint of a controlling group or person.
Second: After serving on two constitution committees, here is the way I see things. The most important and first thing any new organization must do is to have a clear statement of the founding principles. This has to come first. Without this clearly set forth, there is no basis on which to proceed but a great basis not to proceed.
Third: Once the statement of principle is outlined, then comes the constitution and by-laws to establishment a government by which to enact the principles outlined in the founding principles.
The focus can never be taken away from the statement of founding principles. Once this vision is lots, the organization is just another bureaucracy.
As an example of how things can get out of hand, look at the constitution of this nation. The statement of faith is the defining and uniquely American Principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence. The Revolutionary War was fought over these principles, not over the US Constitution. The constitution was enacted to set up a government to assure that these founding principles were protected and made the American way of life. What has happened? The US Constitution has become the issue and has been on ever side of every major issue in the history of this country and has totally lost sight of the reason it was created. That is what is driving the discussion we are having right now. For example, the US Constitution has said slavery was legal, then said it was illegal. It said women could not vote, and then said women could vote. It said it was legal to sell alcohol, then said it was not legal, then said was legal. It said human life was a basic right, and then said the unborn could be murdered if they causes an inconvenience. It said we had freedom of association, than it said we don’t have freedom of association. It said Africans were 2/3rds of a person then said they were a full person. In short, the U.S. Constitution in the hands of the wrong people can be used to justify any act from slavery to murder and has all to often.
What is my point? The point is that when you lose sight of your founding principles or are born under a cloud, the governing body and constitution becomes the problem. For that reason, the founding principles must be written in blood and they must be written in blood in the beginning, and that is now.
I am all for everything Tom outlined in his posts, but I want to see the final product before I send my money in. If we don’t go by the rules, we are no better than the people that caused this situation in the first place.
Awareness and openness is critical to success. A website as discussed will expose what and why these governmental agencies are doing and, to whom. Here in Texas we have FACT which successfully lobbys and monitors legislation and agency activities. A nationally oriented organization with this focus is certainly needed.

Neil Schaeffer, IFAS
I will also donate money. Hope I can catch up on past posts, including Tom and Dave's cases in more depth. I believe that a web site is certainly needed and would be pleased if it could be part of this forum. I know that Wayne will step up if it is possible, but certainly understand if it is not. It sure would help attract more members, though, would'nt it? :lol:
Ran a Google search on the word / term F.A.I.R. which resulted in the following website


FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting). Apparently this organization has been around since 1986.

Will there be any copyright issues?
Ok, All checks can be mailed to Steve Vertin 1129 North Marion Street, Oak Park, Illinois 60302. Make checks payable to F.A.I.R. This address is temporary but send money we are going to need it to get this thing off the ground. I will set-up a box office box after I go to the bank.

George God bless you we were hopping you would take the position. Bob we were hoping you would take a seat on the Board. However, if you can not I understand. I do need your help though. I am going to need a special advisory committee to personally advise me apart from the Board. I am hoping you and David Johnson will serve. I believe that the two of you will present me with a well rounded view of the issues.

Judy, as Tom has said our main focus is regulatory issues and maintaining fairness to appraisers and the public. Our mission statement would be something like. We are devoted to maintaining fair and just appraisal laws and regulatory practice nation wide to assure appraisers and in turn the public, are receiving equal protection.

Neil, Pam, Brick welcome as our first members. Pamela we are hoping Wayne will break in at anytime and make that same offer. We were also hoping we could count on your membership. David if Wayne offers I will definitely need your help and thank you for joining. Will, send your check we need your help buddy.

Austin, in the following I will out line the start of our constitution. You will than add or make suggestions to what exist. It will come back to me and Tom and George will have the final say on the final draft than members will vote. So get your pen out. Because you will fork over dues. Remember this is the first draft. Furthermore, I want you to take this seriously. Here are the first two tenants.

We the people of F.A.I.R believe all licenced appraisers deserve fair protection under nationally defined standards of USPAP. We believe all regulatory bodies should be held accountable to these same standards.

We believe enforcement and investigators must understand circumstances under which an appraisal has been developed and reported. We believe should be judged within the context of there identified purpose, intended use and intended users as stated within reports.

Judy, God bless you welcome. Neil lets hope not, my banker has already prepared the paperwork.

Steve Vertin
Add my name to the list of supporters and let me know where to send the check. I would like a web page for the group. I'm not sure it would have to be closed to non members because we have e-mail and a message board here on the forum. I second the board nominations and support the present start-up plan of the not for profit orginaizaton.

Chris Harrison MRA
To the bank and other interested parties:

Based on the experience I have had with the proposed board members posts to this (and other) professional appraiser forums, I would like to be considered a member of the not-for-profit tentatively named F.A.I.R. My check is in the mail to the temporary address indicated.


Lee Ann in KS
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