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Governor Wolf just shut down all "non-life sustaining" businesses in PA.

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Why are you so upset? and for what? I just said I am not going into peoples homes so who is this post for?
Real Estate "offices" are shut down, not real estate as a whole. That makes no sense. Just as all other businesses, much of the function can be done online with no person-to-person contact. For example, legal services are shut down but these firms are still operating in a virtual environment. It's the office that is shut not the profession itself. Attorneys are working and holding meetings using zoom. Or this one. Clothing stores are shut down but I can still buy a pair of pants online.
I'm not upset at all.

I'm actually seeing opportunity.

Fannie Mae stock down to $1.52 at the moment, probably will go lower in the morning,

and banks have been forgiven on buy backs for using waivers,

oh but the homeowners that will no longer be able to afford those mortgages, yeah they will be looking to sue.

Just trying to hone in on where to focus future opportunity.

I love the one to call the police and ask them if they enforce it. Our law enforcement people are busy with serious issues not some cry baby appraiser who is scared he will be fined or locked up for doing an-appraisal. Out here LAPD cannot even get to a crime scene in less than 30 to 45 minutes and yet people are calling 911 because people are fighting over toilet paper. The Home De-porter is packed today with people panic buying different home improvement things or stocking up on other supplies. NOBODY is worried about the contractors or do it your sellers getting infected. so why do appraisers feel so entitled- God if we ever get in a serious war or depression this country will collapse faster than a 95 year old marathon runner :)
Ahhh the differences in market nuances.

We won't get into how different those things are in different places.


you know why people were stocking up on toilet paper?


when the crap hits the fan, it is a much larger mess to clean up.
Stock market circuit breaker already kicked off, to stop the down slide in the pre-market, before the Asian markets even opened.

and there is this

But not to worry because;

At press time, Congress had signed a bill to allocate funds to bail out their bailout of the bailout industry.

But people will be home two weeks and then back to work to pay those new mortgages.

:rof: :rof:
I am confused with what will happen. I thought that opening with restrictions was already happening as most counties are in green status and some (like where I live) is in yellow. No more red status. Open the state with no restrictions?
Call your local police and ask them. They are the ones that will stop you. The cop in the patrol car decides if (s)he should pick you up and arrest you, or just issue you a fine you can fight over in court later. No one else is going to make that decision that will impact the rest of your day or week. It is only the police.

But please explain how you will find "market value" if potential buyers are being told to stay home and boarders are closed to foreign buyers.

I would fill my truck up with plywood and tools and tell the cops I was boarding up broken windows and that's an-essential service : )
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