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Hurricane Helena devastation in NC!

The pilots who fly into the storm - Air Force Hurricane Hunters are amazing.
Yes they are. Their aircraft are designed to withstand the tremendous strain on the aircrafts frame. lots of engineering went into the design . It's a tribute to our engineering universities like MIT. Those pilots are very confident and highly qualified. p[us they have been trained

"All these Insurance claims expenditures will be spread out across the nation or regions , to all property owners in their premiums. Even automobile insurance will go up."

More of my MA insurance money and taxes....
Yeah, you definitely want to research a car you buy that was in some of these areas. I would not want the car that was flooded.

The TESLAS probably killed people and sharks that are flooded.
I think some roads and bridges are already closed and several tornados on the front end of this monster. They are saying seek shelter now for some. Too late for some to evacuate now. Some airports are likely shut down.
They are saying the waters have receded along the beach because of the wind and the water will come back with a vengeance.
Like 60% of gas stations in Tampa have no gas. Not good. Many people that stayed probably use gas for generators.
There are tornados all over those outer bands on Milton. Some tornado warnings reach almost to the east coast of Florida.
They are saying much of that debris from Helene is starting to show up. Imagine a 10ft 15 ft storm surge with all the debris in that current.

There will me many lives lost.

One crazy guy was out on a little boat next to a news caster. I can't fix stupid.
drains will overflow. Sewer will overflow. It is bad.
Dude was in like a tent in a little bitty boat and unzipped it to talk to news person. She said are you staying? He said something I am dryer than you. Yeah, I am staying. Stupid people in Florida.
Somebody may find that man in their living room. Girl should have handed him a sharpie and said while you are dry, write you name and anything else you want on your arm.
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